La Caccia di Diana

Solo exhibition by Giovanni Turchi

Almost three years after his last exhibition (Processione Sacra Processione Profana - December 2017), Giovanni Turchi is back on exhibition at Spazio 40 Gallery in Trastevere District with his new project, LA CACCIA DI DIANA.

The exhibition will be inaugurated on Saturday 17th October 2020 and will be open until 30th October. During the opening, and on Saturday 24th e Friday 30th October, in addition to the presentation of the paintings by Giovanni Turchi, will be recited poems by the artist himself and by Giorgia Calcari and it will be possible to listen the musician Francesca Salandri, who will accompany with her traversiere the readings with ancient atmospheres, inspired by nature.

In reality, the exhibition project "La Caccia di Diana" was already in embryo in December 2017, as in the exhibition there was already a painting that heralded the future exhibition also dedicated to a representative of the Borghese family, Cardinal Nepote Scipione, and its Casino of Villa Pinciana.

"La Caccia di Diana" is a 17th Century painting by the artist Domenico Zampieri - Il Domenichino - initially intended for the family Aldobrandini, but in the end,  after repeated pressure on the artist, purchased by Scipione Borghese and placed inside the Casino Pinciano.

The painting is bewitching and engaging; the young Canova, on visit to the Casino Pinciano in 1779, noted in his roman diary: "... the beauty of design, and an invention that is truly something unattainable ...".

Also Giovanni Turchi observed the painting for a long time and decided to develop an entire exhibition project. "The idyllic scene - observes the artist - envelops and absorbs me, the light explodes towards me and in me, the colors light up, the water slowly flows and resounds. The young nymphs come to life, Diana dominates me from above, the darts fly hissing and crawling in the air, the dark green of the vegetation hides and reveals prying eyes, at times you can hear the hard barking of dogs. I observe and I feel observed, almost derided, by You, a splendid young nymph who smiles intriguingly, and only You, of all, look at us forever and show yourself to us forever, dazzling, immersed in the water".

The painting is fragmented and the project is completed.

"My young models - explains the artist - are now bewitching nymphs who play, confront, face and win on an androecious of ancient offensive sculptures in a persuasive night light, a dream under the roman sky. They are real. They are ancient".


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