Claudio Palmieri PAGINA BAROCCA

Claudio Palmieri garden

Claudio Palmieri


Claudio Palmieri’s installation that we’re presenting today could not have found a better venue. Pagina Barocca is what we’ve thought to call it. Pagina, or Page, because history - art history in particular - is made up of pages, and pages make up the thousands of precious volumes that act as a frame to the masterpiece by the Roman artist, that today can be found on the floor of Borromini’s Hall of the Vallicelliana Baroque Library. The style of the 29 sculptures on the floor that form the entire piece of tormenting beauty can be defined as Neo-Baroque in every right, and is being shown in the most Baroque venue possible.


Claudio Palmieri’s garden, because it is indeed a garden, both disorients and attracts due to the boldness of an operation that makes the pavement of the great and sumptuous hall, full of history, a fertile field capable of producing a sky-blue germination, of sky-blue botanical elements that recall nature’s vital force. Vitalism, amazement, brazen extraversion, visionary courage, anomaly, bizarreness, insomnia, creative enthusiasm, excess that miraculously finds its order, oxymoronic and rhizomatic culture, overbearing decoration that becomes substance and not an unnecessary frill, Dionysian expression of internal impulses, physiology of the palpitating soul: are these not the characteristics of the Baroque style? Are these not the characteristics of this great and unique horizontal sculpture that demonstrates the immortality of the Baroque style in a city like Rome, of which this artist’s work is a faithful expression?



Curatori della mostra: Paola Paesano e Roberto Gramiccia

Claudio Palmieri PAGINA BAROCCA fa parte del progetto OPERA 00|20 a cura di Paola Paesano

Vernissage thursday 24 October 17.00pm


Orario esposizione:

monday, tuesday, 10.30 - 13.30

wednesday 15.00 - 18.00

thursday 11.00 - 14.00; 15 - 18.00

friday 10.30 - 13.30




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