Destinazione Libertà

Group exhibition curated by Chiara Velocci

Destinazione Libertà

group exhibition curated by Chiara Velocci

Vernissage 19 October 2019

Spazio Urano, via Sampiero di Bastelica, 12 – Rome



Francesco Campese, Virginia Carbonelli, Flavia Fanara, Ernst Hermann, Heidi Inffeld, Gabriele Luciani, Cosetta Mastragostino, Melissa Pitzalis, Michael Raimann, Armin Nimra Ruckerbauer, Elisabeth Schwarzbauer, Edith Temmel

Destinazione Libertà is a project that came into being thanks to the collaboration between Austrian and Italian artists. The project is put forward by the Professional Association of Visual Artists “BVBK Österreich – Section Steiermark” based in Graz and during its first exhibition stage it is hosted in Rome by Spazio Urano, a young artistic reality from Pigneto neighbourhood. The group exhibition, curated by Chiara Velocci, opens on Saturday 19 October 2019 at 6.30 p.m. The artists taking part into it reflect on the wide and complex theme of "Libertà" that is investigated in its multiple shapes. Freedom is seen as escaping towards more and more evanescent geographic and cultural borders, which are at the same time difficult to go through; freedom as a synonym for Resistance in a near past. Freedom is also a path towards the unknown: freedom beyond the sea. It is the ancient desire for soaring in the air - man and "flight" - gliding towards a new destination and the illusion of a free research, without the restrains of science, technology and society. During the second exhibition stage of the project, the group exhibition will open at the Airport Gallery in Graz, from the 29th of April until the 14th of June 2020.


Destinazione Libertà

Group exhibition curated by Chiara Velocci



Francesco Campese, Virginia Carbonelli, Flavia Fanara, Gabriele Luciani, Cosetta Mastragostino, Ernst Hermann, Heidi Inffeld, Melissa Pitzalis, Michael Raimann, Armin Nimra Ruckerbauer, Elisabeth Schwarzbauer, Edith Temmel


Spazio Urano

via Sampiero di Bastelica, 12 – Rome



Saturday 19 October 2019, 6.30 p.m.

Opening days from 21 to 26 October,

Monday- Friday from 4.30 to 7.30 p.m.

Saturday from 10.30 to 12.30 a.m. and from 4.30 to 7.30 p.m.

Free admission

The group exhibition participates in RAW - Rome Art Week 2019, the week devoted to contemporary art.

P&G Press and Communication Office


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