Fabio Savina Open Studio

"once upon a time ...." all the tales we read always start like this ... and it was true once upon a time, but today?

I want to ask you this, try to use that same fantasy that accompanied you as children to imagine how the characters of those fairy tales would be in our day.

I did it and the result is what I invite you to see in this exhibition.

A collection of seven works that take inspiration, as always, from the world around us and that often, being too addicted to everyday life, we can't even see.

We live in times full of uncertainties, deceptions, lasciviousness and passion of anger and fears, but we must not get overwhelmed but be able to find a balance and only then a "sin" will no longer be such and will simply become an aspect of our personality.

In a series of intertwined tales where fantasy becomes reality these seven works are linked together and with the viewer because each of them represents a "capital sin" and as we all know, we are all hopelessly fascinated and hopelessly attracted to it ...


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