Una collettiva che si snoda in un percorso espositivo diacronico

Rewind Forward is a group show that winds through a diachronic exhibition path, representing pictorial, photographic and sculptural works exhibited in the last year of the gallery's activity. 

On display are works from the artists: Luca Abbadati, Dario Agrimi, Roberto Alfano, James Busby, Camemorto, Charlie Davoli, Brigita Huemer, Daniel Jouseff, Domenico Laterza, Matteo Negri, Francesco Pacelli, Viola Pantano, Angelica Romeo, Justin Samson, Nicole Voltan.

The works of James Busby and Justin Samson are taken from the exhibition project dedicated to the artists of Aftemodernism art; both represent of the philosophy of the founder, Hubert Neumann, according to which "the work of art is an open experience, which communicates to the viewer an almost infinite number of aesthetic experiences.”

Different because of the techniques used, but similar for their emotional pursuit, the works of Birigita Huemer and Angelica Romeo represent two modes of inner investigation which find expression in color, one with the vivid material of painting and the other with the changeable material of plexiglass.

Among the voices of this group show are also that of the Swedish artist Daniel Jouseff, of Palestinian origin, whose artistic production revolves around the theme of identity and cultural belonging. From the FLAGS series, the work in the exhibition Yellow Border

Satellite is born, which tells the story of the Palestinian territory to which the artist is linked. It continues with Domenico Laterza and the work Small Dancer, in which the sensual material of paper is molded to create a sculpture with an iridescent shape.

A series of works from the latest group show dedicated to 12 Artists of Tomorrow, an exhibition that collected the multiplicity and complexity of views of emerging young Italian art, have also been selected for this exhibition. On display, the enigmatic work of Dario Agrimi, the strange hybrid creature by Francesco Pacelli, the reflective and iridescent works of Matteo Negri, the lyrical painting of Roberto Alfano, the imaginative photography of Viola Pantano and the textile artworks by Canemorto and Nicole Voltan.

The intention of the group show is also to open up to new scenarios, including the works of photographers Luca Abbadati and Charlie Davoli. The first is on display with shots from the Blue Velvet series, born from a very recent road trip between California and Arizona. While the second, takes us into a reality where ancient physical laws are contradicted and the element of dissonance becomes the raison d'être of a world disjointed from everyday reality.




Venue: Mucciaccia Contemporary, Piazza Borghese 1/A, Rome

Open to the public: January 10- February 29, 2020 

Hours: Tuesday - Saturday, 10:30 – 19:00; closed Sunday and Monday

Information: T. +39 06 68309404 | |




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