Hunting reserve

Luisa Turuani

On the occasion of Rome Art Week fifth edition, on Thursday October 1st, 2020 at 6pm will be inaugurated at the Galleria La Nica the exhibition RISERVA DI CACCIA, solo show of the artist Luisa Turuani.

RISERVA DI CACCIA (HUNTING RESERVE), which will show 7 works including installations and videos, wants to reflect on the relationship between the user and the everyday, "[...] dimension characterized by precariousness and lightness, irony and drama" (Luisa Turuani), suggesting new ways of reading and interaction. Like the everyday, the artist's works seem to continually escape the viewer's perception and undergo a constant transformation, forcing the viewer to identify with the work and to infuse it with new life and new meanings.

The Milan artist, at her first exhibition in Rome at our Gallery, is among the winners of the Premio AccadeMibact. This prize, promoted by MiBACT in collaboration with the prestigious Fondazione La Quadriennale di Roma, allows the artist to take part in the group exhibition Domani Qui Oggi, a collateral event of the Quadriennale di Roma 2020.


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