
Collective exhibition curated by Simona Pandolfi


Collective of

Linda Aquaro, Noemi Cammareri, Francesca Candito, Giovanni Di Rosa, Manuel Gallo, Fabio Giocondo, Luigna Luzii, Teresa Luzii, Marta Mancini, Mattia Mancosu, Mirjana Milenkoska, Lidia Pezzimenti, Alessandra Rovelli, Norberto Spina

curated by Simona Pandolfi

call "Pitturantena" and selection of artists by Francesco Campese

Spazio Urano, via Sampiero di Bastelica 12 - Rome

The exhibition adheres to RAW - Rome Art Week 2020

The works exhibited in the "Exsistentia" group show were selected by the painter Francesco Campese, owner of Spazio Urano, within the "Pitturantena" call.

The works on display, albeit with different languages, investigate the manifestation and flow of existence in its becoming; "Existence" understood as presence, essence and vital arc in connection with the surrounding context. The same term, from the Latin "ēx + sistentia" (staying from), refers us to the meaning of being from another, external to oneself, which for Plato indicated the dependence of the sensible world on the world of ideas, for Giambattista Vico it was related to the concept of history and for Kierkegaard it was the possibility of man being in the world confronting himself with both it and the transcendental entity.From the past to the present day, the possible declensions of the term existence are infinite; “Existences”, in fact, which through the eyes of the artists can travel on the double track of the visible and invisible world.The mental landscapes of Alessandra Rovelli, Marta Mancini and Noemi Cammareri, at the limit between figuration and abstraction, trace existential paths, full of emotion, through shades and stratifications of colors. In Mattia Mancuso the landscape is pervaded by the dreamlike dimension and its blinding light, while in the works of Norberto Spina we discover small fragments of reality, which refer to experience, memories and the pieces of history.Greater attention to moods is found in the melancholy and vaporous portraits by Lidia Pezzimenti, in the mask-faces of Francesca Candido and in the pure geometry of the faces painted by Linda Aquaro.The theme of existence and its variables is also found in the iconic portraits by Fabio Giocondo and Manuel Gallo; both focus on the details of the eyes and recover the pictorial tradition of the seventeenth century. Giovanni Di Rosa also looks at the art of the past; the use of light and color evokes the full-bodied brushstrokes of Neapolitan painting of the mid-nineteenth century, as well as his interest in social issues.Acid and bright colors predominate in the works of Luigna Luzii and Teresa Luzii, which emphasize the personal drama of the characters depicted, whose faces they hide. The oneiric and surreal dimension of Mirjana Milenkoska's works reveal traces of existence and its precariousness.


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