Jessica Lo Bianco Open Studio

NEXT STOP - to travel it is enough to exist.To travel ? to travel it is enough to exist. I pass from day to day as from station to station, on the train of my body, or of my destiny, overlooking the streets and squares, on gestures and faces, always equal and always different as the landscapes are. (Ferdinando Pessoa - The book of restlessness).

The works of six artists inspired by the theme of the Journey, that could real, towards a distant destination, or simply a daily move within one's own city, a long journey or metaphorical one, towards a condition, a person or a state of mind.

The "traveling" artists are:Flaminia Della Vecchia, Ilaria Aprile, Jessica Lo Bianco, Lina Zargani, Marina Filoni and Maura Casaburi.


The group exhibition will be hosted at the headquarters of REBACCO- Winebar, Via Pomezia 12- (King of Rome Area)Vernissage Sunday 20th October from 7.30pmFinissage Saturday 26th October from 7.30pm






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