Be an Artist

solo art exhibition of Fabio Tasso

The Spazio Faro is pleased to host, in collaboration with StudioLab 138, the first Roman solo art & sculpture exhibition of genoese artist Fabio Tasso curated by Laura Giovanna Bevione. The vernissage will take place on Saturday 19 October at 7:00 pm and the exhibition will remain visible to the public until 7 November 2019 at the headquarters in Via Perugia 24. The artist returns to the spotlight after the success of "Two Dimensions and a Half", an exhibition hosted in Castel Gandolfo and characterized by the repetition and modularity of the exposed bas-reliefs. With Be an Artist, Tasso focuses his reflection on the concept of a work of art in the age of its technical reproducibility, updating ancient processes such as bronze casting using self-produced machinery. Techniques known for millennia for the reproduction of all-round sculptures are revisited in a modern key, to create works in resin, cement and metal. The result is polymorphic sculptures, obtained by assembling common objects, often of industrial origin, with the aim of “representing only what all people share: space. Full and empty, concave and convex. " Fabio Tasso was born in Savona in 1990. He graduated in Sculpture at the Fine Arts Academies of Genoa and Carrara, where he developed his first machines. In 2012, at the height of his studies, he lives and teaches in Nepal at the Neydo Tashi Choling Buddhist monastery, where he has the chance to deepen his research on the void and the relationship it has with the full, with the subject. Since 2015 he has been Professor of Plastic Disciplines at the art school of Savona and a teacher at the Academy of Fine Arts in Genoa, holding the positions of owner of the course of Scuola di Nudo, associate professor of Artistic Anatomy and assistant professor of Ceramics and Sculpture. Winner of numerous competitions, he participates in sculpture symposia and artistic residencies between Europe and the United States. To date it has developed more than 10 self-produced machines, united by the possibility of transforming something positive into negative and of assembling different objects into a single body.


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