International artists of the Gallery UNO Berlin and artists based in Rome


Artexhibitionlink is participating for the second time officially at Rome Art Week.




Artists participating:



Artists of Artexhibitiolink's Gallery UNO Berlin:



Friederike Hammann and Dzahid Filipovic, Berlin,


The artists are showing works from their exhibition 'Homo Ludens'/‘Brokers in Tears' at Gallery UNO




Nikkole Huss, USA,


The artist shows drawings which were  part of  her installation  'Vanishing Landscapes' at Gallery UNO for the Art Festival 48 Std. Neukölln/Berlin in  June 2019




Artists based in Rome:



Daniela Monaci    


Georgina Spengler


Edith Urban         


The artists are showing works from their exhibition 'Un certain regard'  at Gallery "La Nube di Oort", Rome




Special Opening times and Cultural Events during Rome Art Week at Artists Studio Rome:




Monday 21st October                      5.30 pm - 8.30 pm- Opening

The artists Friederike Hammann and Dzahid Filipovic,  guests of Artexhibitionlink's Artists Residence Borgo Pio, are present.


Open Discussion: Alternative Art Spaces

Visitors - Artists - Representatives of Local and European Art Spaces




Tuesday 22nd October                     5.30 pm - 8.30 pm- Cultural Event at 6.30 pm

 Luigi Trucillo & Sonia Gentili - Literature

 "Il paradosso della visione"



Wednesday 23rd October                      5.30 pm - 8.30 pm 

Giorgio Di Vita

"La teologia della pittura di Velasquez"



Thursday 24th October                      5,30 pm - 8.30 pm- Cultural Event at 6.30 pm

Anamaria Panzera -Art Historian

"I dormienti e le ombre"



Friday 25th October                      5.30 pm - 8.30 pm- Cultural Event at 6.30 pm

Prof. Christos Bintoudis, Sapienza & Artist Georgina Spengler

Conversazione su Giorgos Seferis



Saturday 26th October                      5.30 pm - 8.30 pm - Cultural Event at 6.30 pm

Concert - "Intervallo di tepore" musical duo

Two young musicians: Giordano Di Vita  (guitar) and Ruben Palma (bass)




Artists Studio Rome


Borgo Pio 125 - 3rd floor - no lift-


Roma 00193 (Zona Vaticano)




Bus 64,62, Vaticano -   Bus 492, 32 Piazza Risorgimento - Metro Ottaviano




Contact/Info: 345 99 22 150


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