The Ideas of Others

Group exhibition where artists carry out the creative idea of another

A game of exchange, of welcoming the thoughts of others, which far away from being passive turns out to be a demanding work of balancing acts, between "mine" and "yours", where fears are not displaced by the strength of courage. And if it takes generosity to give their own idea, it takes a lot more to accommodate one another. To make it his own, taking care of it, working to make it blossom.

We will be able to establish how much the seed of the idea brings with it its genetic patrimony or how much instead it becomes, just expressed, a neutral particle in the universe; without ties to terminate it can be captured, used and rejected again in the uninterrupted cycle of ideas.

Authors: Angelo Barile, Antonella Caraceni, Beniamino Leone, Daria Palotti, Debora Malis, Emiliano Alfonsi, Gerlanda di Francia, Giovanna Noia, Ingrid Pintau, Ixie Darkonn, Omino71, Paolo Pilotti, Rebecca J, Stefano Bolcato, Valentina Zummo.



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