Mauro Romano Open Studio

Mauro Romano was born in Rome in 1977.

Graduated in graphic design at the Federico Cesi Institute in Rome in 1999.

Lives and works in Rome.

He has always shown a propensity for the visual arts, his artistic research ranges from drawing, painting, comics, photography, computer graphics.


My pictorial research stems from a clear, raw sign, devoid of three-dimensionality, instinctive, aggressive.

It arises from an inner scream as a need for urgent expression, an instinct that borders on the absence of rules to seek a wild relationship with shape and color.

Currently, I follow an idea that detaches itself from the ancestral memory of the graphic-pictorial signs explored so far to try to combine instinctual painting with contents that evolve from archaic spirituality towards metaphysical and surreal subjects. The "transformation of the form", fluid thoughts that move in the dream space, now to take on unique features, now to dissolve into the background. Defining the works of Mauro Romano "immaterial matter".


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