Antonella Cuzzocrea Open Studio

Beyond a sheet of paper there’s an undefined world, something which we might call, quoting the Japanese writer Junichiro Tanizaki, “…the enigma of a light without glare”. As an artist I am drawn to the symbolic space that manifests itself in that enigma, its undefined borders that lead to thoughtfulness. It makes me think about music.

In(de)finito aims to evoke an emotional response strolling among old books and used tea bag papers. Transparencies, folds, threads that go through the pages as if writing notes on sheet music.


My studio

17.00-19.30 - Online studio. People will be able to explore the studio, ask questions about the printmaking technique, about the works (even those hidden in the drawers), etc.


19.30 - Monica Ricciardi, graphologist and curator, with Stamperia Ripa 69, of the exhibition Sopra Sotto, Arte e Scrittura a confronto (24 Oct./14 Nov. 2020)

20.00 - Luca Iavarone, creative director of

20.30 - Pasquale Esposito, actor and zen monk

Surprise ending






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