Processi 147

Exhibition of creators and researchers in residence in the period 2019/20

Processi 147 exhibition inaugurated in June 2020 remains opened until December 31, 2020. An opportunity to see and learn about the projects of the 2019/2020 residents: Jose Ramon Ais, Carla Berrocal, Antonio Buchannan, Ana Bustelo, Joana Cera, Irene Clementine , Jorge Cubero, Federico Guzman, Susanna Inglada, Montserrat Lasunción, Jana Leo, Jorge Luis Marzo, Javier Pividal, Enrique Radigales, Pantxo Ramas, Adolfo Serra, Begoña Soto, Claudio Sotolongo, Eduardo Soutullo, Javier Verdugo, Manuel Vilas, Ana Zamora.

In addition, taking into account the epidemiological emergency, for the first time the Real Academia de España in Rome is offering a virtual exhibition with a selection of the creators and researchers projects that accompanies and completes the current exhibition on show in the monumental complex of the Academia de España. The exhibition can be visited at this link:

Mª Natividad Bermejo, Gadea Burgaz, Alán Carrasco, Irene De Andrés, Miguel De Torres, Sara García, Cristina García, Maral Kekejian, Isabel María Mercado, Virginia Morant, Carlos Pardo, Ester Partegas, Jesús Poyo / Txuspo, Javier Quislant, Muriel Romero , Gonzalo Romero, Maria Del Mar Sáez, Shirin Seyed Salehi, Eloísa Vega, Leire Vergara, M. Ángeles Viladomiu are the new creators and researchers of the Real Academia de Espana in Rome, but this year, due to Covid-19, they will arrive in the month of February 2021.


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