Above - Below | Art and writing compared in 12 graphological readings

Engraving exhibition

Above Below - art and writing compared in 12 graphological readings

engraving exhibition


Curated by Valeria Gasparrini, Elio G.Mazzali, Monica Ricciardi

Graphological readings by Monica Ricciardi

You can see the works and graphological readings of the engravings and calligraphy of: Luisa Baciarlini | Marco Biagioni | Alessia Consiglio | Antonella Cuzzocrea Susanna Doccioli | Marcello Fraietta | Valeria Gasparrini | Elio G.Mazzali Giorgia Pilozzi | Gianluca Tedaldi | Usama Saad | Giovanna Vasapollo

The exhibition starts from Monica Ricciardi's proposal: to seek graphological correspondences between sign in art and sign in writing by contemporary authors; identify and explain them, where present, through a language that is not strictly graphological and using the analysis of five of the main genres of French graphology of immediate understanding: Form, Dimension, Movement, Space, Stroke

Works by twelve contemporary artists, called to express themselves on a common theme "Above-Below", title of the exhibition. Theme chosen not only for the freedom of elaboration and expression it allows, but also in reference to the symbology of space by the graphologist M. Pulver.

Alongside the works of each author, their coeval sketches and writings: various notes and a "letter" (on a white sheet in A4 format with date and signature) in which they describe their creative process and works.

And to follow a "graphological" card which will indicate: the instrument used to write; the relationship with the writing and the font used; correspondence between notes and writings; correspondence between sign in art and sign in writing with graphological indications and interpretations.


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