Mauro Defrancesco
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Mauro Defrancesco is an independent art dealer and curator.Born in Cavalese (Trento) in 1970.He studied architecture at the Institute University of Architecture Venice - IUAV.Founder and art director of the UFOFABRIK contemporary art gallery.President and curator of the contemporary art festival ARTE MAGGIORE.

Artistic director of the Trento Art Festival.


UFOFABRIK wants to exhibit relevant work in the field of contemporary art and contribute to its development throughout independent high-quality productions, an accurate scouting action and a continuous dialogue with the artists involved

The gallery mainly deals with management for artists and contemporary art fairs, in Italy and Europe.


An independent project for contemporary art, open and experimental.

The project was born in 2009, during the first eleven years of activity the program of exhibitions proposed has alternated exhibitions of young emerging and established artists.

Over the years, important solo and group exhibitions have been curated by artists whose work has an innovative role in the world of contemporary art.


Events at Rome Art Week
Some silent realities - Evento solo Online
29 Oct-30 Sep 2020
Some silent realities - Evento solo Online
Curated by Mauro Defrancesco
Event on Reservation
Via Pietro Borsieri, 14
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