Ludovica Palmieri
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After earning, a Master's degree in Art History and attending the first edition of the Luiss Master of Art, with professors of the caliber of Achille Bonito Oliva, Ludovica immediately began working at the Macro's exhibition office; she then moved on to take charge, in the same museum, of the program related to Artist Residencies. Soon after, she started working at Monitor Gallery. After these experiences, Ludovica took the path of independent curator, press office and writing. Today Ludovica is a publicist journalist, does PR work and follows the work of several artists. Major exhibitions include: Art Is Real, Piazza Pasquino, 2014; exhibitions organized for Kunsthaus, a London-based pop up gallery, active in Rome in 2014; collaboration with Contemporary Cluster and exhibitions curated at Spagna Art & Suites. Ludovica has developed a very broad and free vision of art, without barriers between disciplines. That is why her activities, in most cases, are characterized by the contamination between genres. In Ludovica's weltanschauung, diversity is an asset and the juxtaposition of different subjects is a source of mutual reinforcement.

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