Eileen Contreras
Independent Contemporary art and critic curator, Venezuelan, celebrates beauty through wide originality of expressions and artistic languages, recognising the power of creativity to overcome barriers, prejudices, stereotypes, and ideologies.
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Eileen Contreras is an Independent Contemporary Art and Critic Curator. She graduated in Venezuela in Business Administration with an MFA in Fine Art in London. During her career, Eileen worked promoting and connecting contemporary artists with collectors, art lovers, buyers, and international festivals. For more than ten years she has been organizing exhibitions and festivals of Contemporary Art as Art Director, conceiving and organizing events in many institutional locations and curating modern and contemporary art exhibitions. She has in her curriculum more than 20 exhibitions & art festivals and fashion shows in Rome, Milan, and London. Also has a special passion for developing exhibitions that pay homage to beauty in all its expressions.Her curatorial methodology is constantly looking for poetic, philosophical approaches inspired by literature, surrealism, and understanding the world or other inventions that foster a social dialogue between the themes of the works on display. She strongly believes in the richness of making his public reflect and intrigue her audience with a wide variety and originality of forms of expression, recognizing as a value the power of creativity, sensation, and emotion that mediate artistic languages, the only one capable of overcoming the barriers, prejudices, stereotypes, and ideologies.-

Events at Rome Art Week
Brain Art Contest
27 Oct 2023 | 16:30-20:30
Brain Art Contest
Brain Art Contest a comparison between art and neuroscience
Event on Reservation
Palazzo Ruspoli
Via della Fontanella Borghese 56
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