Filippo Gregoretti
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Visual and conceptual artist, musician (pianist and composer), performer, university professor of transmedia design and digital experiences, pioneer of the integration of art, music, and technology, developer of advanced algorithms, and author of video games and immersive experiences.

Born in Rome in 1971, from an early age, Filippo Gregoretti pursued his passion for art, music, storytelling, and technology. He obtained a diploma from the Rome Fine Arts High School and one from the Tivoli Institute of Art, followed by a four-year diploma in Computer Graphics and Illustration from ICEI Multimedia, one year at the Rome Fine Arts Academy, and a Master's degree in Copyright Management for Multimedia Products from OCOFA/EU. Since his teenage years, he has been creating works with generative visuals, digital music, and interaction on 8-bit processors. This artistic and professional journey led him to explore music, visual art, design, and the creation of immersive digital experiences and interactive pathways for the international market since the 1980s.

After starting as a traditional artist, publishing works and illustrations for the publishing market, his passion for technology took him to Stockholm as the Art Director at New Media Studio, one of the first European studios specializing in creative productions for multimedia. In 1993, he founded the first Digital Communication Agency in Rome, Alpha Channel Interactive, which later evolved into ForteYang International New Media, where he served as Creative Director for over 10 years. During this time, he designed innovative digital experiences for the international market until 2004.

Simultaneously, Filippo Gregoretti pursued a musical career as a performer and composer. He is the author of lyrics and music for the iconic band CONTROMANO and has released original works for piano and electronic music on international labels. Several of his compositions have been used in films, documentaries, and, naturally, as soundtracks and generative compositions for digital experiences. In 2004, he moved to Beijing, continuing his artistic and technical research and consulting in the Asia Pacific region. During this time, he had a stint in the USA as the Creative Officer of TheLIFT, an innovative agency in San Francisco specializing in digital projects, where he worked on projects like Poken and JibJab Starring-you. He later spent several years in London, working on musical and digital projects for the UK market. After returning to Italy in 2018, he currently divides his time between Europe and Asia, bridging the gap between art, music, storytelling, gaming, digital engagement, and artificial intelligence. Over the past 30 years, he has collaborated with agencies and institutions in the USA, Australia, China, Germany, the UK, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Sweden, Malta, Belgium, and more for the design and development of offline and online multimedia works.

He invented the concept of "App Artwork" and released the first ever works of art that were made into applications and distributed in the official stores. His works of art incorporate his own original artistic artificial intelligence algorithms and encompass physical installations, live performances, music, and visuals. 

As a professor at Naples’ Suor Orsola Benincasa University, his lectures include “authorship and technology for digital experiences” and “transmedia creativity and production”. 

His awards include the Perseo D’oro first prize at Mediartech, the Festival Internazionale dell’Opera Multimediale 1996, presided over by Gillo Pontecorvo’s jury. 

He has performed internationally as a solo musician, accompanied by other performers, or by his digital beings, on hundreds of occasions since the ‘80s.

App Artworks in Filippo’s words: 

Today, the medium on which humanity spends the most time is the “device” (a smartphone or tablet). It is a medium capable of producing images and sounds, but it is most importantly capable of serving as a gateway between humans and machines, as well as between humans and the infinite: a tremendous amount of knowledge and data, as well as interconnections with even more humans through additional machines.

Software in general, and particularly the “App” as it is understood today, is an expressive medium deserving of the artistic consideration of more conventional media like literature, visual arts, or music and is thus capable of inciting dramatic changes in conscience. The artist possessing.The “App” is, above all, a tool that allows the artist — one who possesses both conventional expressive abilities and technological and engineering skills — to forge on into uncharted and fruitful paths.

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Events at Rome Art Week
Image not present
27 Oct 2023 | 17:30-21:30
Filippo Gregoretti

Free access
Open Studio
Nel Blu Studios
Via Montello, 2
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