Elvira Martos

Data and contact details

(Sevilla, 1989)

Graduated in Fine Arts at the University of Seville, specializing in painting, she continued her pictorial studies at the Accademia di Pietro Vanucci in Perugia, Italy. Her artistic career develops in Rome, Italy, and in Sydney, Australia. Throughout her career, she has worked as an assistant and artistic advisor, and as a painter and muralist for the advertising agency Apparition Media. She has participated in exhibitions and creative projects in Seville, Rome, Perugia, Granada, Benevento, Sydney, Venice, Melbourne, Barcelona, Cuba, etc.

Martos currently lives and works in Seville, Spain. She has just closed her eighth solo exhibition "Funambulismo" in Delhi, India with a compilation of works conceived during a pilgrimage through Navadwip and Vrindavan and culminated as a guest resident in the artistic program of the ONKAF Foundation in Delhi.

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