Paolo Porelli
Data and contact details

Paolo Porelli, painter and sculptor (Rome 1966). After his diploma from the Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma Porelli began a period of experimentation in ceramics in which he identified an anthropomorphic figure with which he provides access to an archetypal dimension of reality, interpreting the critical behaviours of contemporary mankind and their environmental consequences.  The figures express a condensation of a visual language contaminated by Surrealist solutions, Pop proliferations and Archaic symbolism. Amalgamating the artistic historical memory with the lived present, he configures a cast of characters representative of a new hypothetical mythology of our times. 

Porelli has partecipated in numerous exhibitions in Italy and abroad. Among the most important solo shows "From Stereotype to archetype", Arch Contemporary, USA; "RefleX: figure per riflettere", con M. Tittarelli Rubboli, Palazzo Ducale, Gubbio, Italy (2021); "Protestant Madonnas", Gouda, The Netherlands (2019);"Divinities + Idols", HAS at Haw Contemporary, USA (2018);“Humanae Terrae”, Honos Art, Roma (2017);“Humankind: the Sublime & the Ridiculous”, Belger Arts Center, USA (2016); “Profili del tempo”, Gualdo Tadino (2015), “Eidolon”, InternoVentidue Arte Contemporanea, Roma (2008); "Idoli Occidente", Galleria Lombardi, Roma (2006).

The most important group shows and prizes, Korean International Ceramic Biennale 2021; "Visioni contemporanee. Venti artisti a Castel Sant'Angelo", Roma; "Tradizione Contemporanea" Triennale della Ceramica D'Arte Contemporanea di Gualdo Tadino 2021/2022; 61 Premio Faenza (2020); "BACC 2020, Frascati; "Ceramics of Europe Westerwaldprize 2019", Germania; "XIV Bienal Internacional de Ceràmica de Manises", Spagna (2019); 2 premio, “38 Concurs Internacional de Ceràmica-CICA 2018, L’Alcora, Spagna; “Ceramic Art Andenne 2018”, Triennial, Belgio; “II Porzellen Biennial Meissen”, Germania (2018); “I Porzellen Biennial Meissen”, Germania(2016); “Scultura ceramica contemporanea in Italia”, GNAM, Roma (2015); “2015 NCECA Biennial” USA; S.O.F.A. Chicago, “Ceramics Annual of America 2013”; “New Directions”, Lacoste Gallery; “2013 NCECA Biennial”, USA; “Figuration”, The Clay Studio, USA (2012).

He has been invited as an artist in residence to the Casa Woodman, Antella (2021); Arch Contemporary in USA, (2019/20); Sunday Morning @ EKWC, The Netherlands (2018/19); Blanc de Chine IACC Residency, Dehua and Jingdezhen International Studio, China (2017); Red Star Studios (2016), The Archie Bray Foundation (2012), and The Clay Studio of Philadelphia (2011) USA.

Events at Rome Art Week
28-29 Oct 2021
works on paper ofEclario Barone, Luigi Caflisch, Silvia Giudi & Paolo Porelli
Free access
Vernissage Thursday 28 Oct 2021 | 16:00-20:30
L’acquaforte di Luigi Ferranti
Via dell'Arco del Monte 99
Figure show: Ceramic Sculpture of Paolo Porelli
28-31 Oct 2021
Figure show: Ceramic Sculpture of Paolo Porelli
Anthropomorphic images in two and three-dimensions
Free access
Vernissage Saturday 30 Oct 2021 | 18:00-21:30
C.R.E.T.A. Rome
Via dei Delfini, 17
Open Studio Paolo Porelli
25 Oct 2018 | 19:00
Open Studio Paolo Porelli
The artist will be present in the studio working on his current sculptures
Free access
c.r.e.t.a. rome
Via dei Delfini, 17
Paolo Porelli
25 Oct 2018 | 19:00-21:30
Paolo Porelli

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Paolo Porelli
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