Claudia Manelli
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Born in Rome in 1965, she attended the Luciano Manara high school. After maturity, he enrolled at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome in via Ripetta. He graduated with honors following the course of the famous painter Celestino Ferraresi. Expert in Pictorial Decorations she works at important Roman villas and houses, creating ornaments and frescoes.

Return to his true passion, painting outdoors, capturing natural lights and shadows of pristine landscapes. She invests part of her time in the study of drawing and chiaroscuro academic to seek ever greater discipline and harmony in her work. He paints from true still lifes, portraits and landscapes. He successfully participates in various competitions by following prestigious awards. Her critic Angelo Nardi says of her: "strongly realistic and with accentuations to stop the moment".

For some years he has been teaching drawing and painting in his studio. During the laboratory hours, academic style methods are learned and adapted to any level and the student is predisposed to his own artistic autonomy, using pencils, charcoal, watercolor and oil, facing the still life, the figure, the portrait and the landscape. Create groups of people to go painting outdoors and organize outdoor or in-door painting workshops. Among the events of pictorial manifestations are worth mentioning: a pictorial demonstration at the Baldini Library in October 2015, in 2016 the library dedicated to her a personal pictorial entitled "Pictorial rapsodie en plein air". He also participates with 20 of his works at an exhibition of collective painting "10 artists for Christmas" organized by Banca Fideuram in via Cicerone in December 2015. She organizes an outdoor painting workshop workshop in Abbruzzo and participates in several exhibitions organized in exhibition hall at Mitreo: "The Regeneration of Art" in January 2017, also from November 2017 to January 2018 participates in "paths of art at Mitreo", May 11, 2018 participates with two works at the exhibition "Anima-li". It periodically organizes mosrte of new collections of paintings in private premises and galleries. Organizes periodically exhibitions of new collections of paintings in local and private galleries. His last exhibition dates back to May of the current year, "contemplation gives life to matter", this is the title of the event, where the artist presented through his works all the places he contemplated during the year.

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Events at Rome Art Week
Image not present
21 Oct 2024 | 10:00-19:00
It is possible to visit my studio throughout the week of the Raw event by requesting an appointment. Many of my works displayed on the walls are visible in the laboratory.
Free access
Open Studio
Studio Claudia Manelli
via Agostino Magliani 67
Image not present
24 Oct 2023 | 10:30-19:00

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Claudia Manelli
via Agostino Magliani 67
Claudia Manelli
24 Oct 2018 | 11:00-23:00

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Claudia Manelli
via Agostino Magliani 67
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