Oreste Casalini
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Data and contact details

--Born in Naples in 1962, he attended the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome and exposes since 1989. He participated in numerous exhibitions in public and private spaces such as: Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò, New York (1991), University Federico II, Naples (1997) Royal Palace, Naples (1998), XII Biennale of Architecture, Venice (2010), Palazzo Mochi-Zamperoli, Cagli (2010), Castello di Rivara (2011, 2013, 2015) Mercuria Space, Dubai (2013) Ostrale Art Fair, Dresden (2014) Telethon Foundation, Olivetti Center, Naples (2015). He has realized permanent installations in private spaces in Naples (1998, 2003), Rome (2003, 2005), Berlin (2010), Milan (2010, 2013) Turin (2015). Oreste Casalini works are present in private collections in Rome, Milan, Naples, London, Berlin, New York, Seattle, Dublin, Dubai, Mumbai, Moscow, Tokyo.

Solo exhibitions:

2019 - Erosions - SBA - Sporting Beach Arte, Ostia (Rome)2019 - Carta Canta - MACRO - Museum of Contemporary Art of Rome, Rome2018 - A Multitude - Portuguese Institute of Saint Anthony in Rome, Rome2017 - Arrhythmias - Menexa Gallery, Rome2016 - Fragile - Castello di Rivara, Center for Contemporary Art, Rivara, Turin2015 - Double Sense - Castello di Rivara, Center for Contemporary Art, Rivara, Turin2013 - Balanced - Castello di Rivara, Center for Contemporary Art, Rivara, Turin2012 - Flowers of Romance - Livio Nardi Galerie, Nuremberg, Germany2012 - Black Hole - Falciano Studio, Naples2011 - From White to Black - Rivara Castle, Center for Contemporary Art, Rivara, Turin2008 - Visible inVisible - Studiodue, Rome2005 - Oki - South - S.Francesco al Monte, Naples2005 - On site - A.A.M. - Modern Art Architecture Gallery, Rome2005 - Transhumance - Area WA.ZA., Rome2000 - Nea Polis - Ambrosino Studio, Naples1991 - Capo Verso - Italian Culture Institute Zerilli-Marimò, New York1990 - Akribia - Domah Mladih Gallery, Sarajevo1989 - Open - Palazzo Serlupi, Rome

Participations in events and fairs:

2014 - Devotion # 5 - Ostrale Art Fair, Dresden, Germany 2011 - Figure - Road to contemporary art - Fiera di Roma, Galleria Franz Paludetto 2010 - Zone - 12th Architecture Biennale, Venice - E-picentro Project, Spazio Thetis 2008 - My people - LUAS Art Competition winner, Dublin 2007 - Photosynthesis - Naples Metro Station, Campania Region, Naples 1999 - Modem - Procida Film Festival, Eldorado Gardens, Procida 1998 - Short circuit - Video and animation festival, Palazzo Reale, Naples 1990 - Pulcinea - Festival of the Vesuvian Villas, Naples 1989 - Poetika Prostora - Palace Fair, Sarajevo 1989 - ExpoArte - Fiera del Levante, Bari

Permanent works in public and private spaces:

2015 - Terra Madre - Installation - Telethon Foundation, Olivetti Center, Pozzuoli, Naples 2015 - Re-birth - Castello di Rivara, Center for Contemporary Art Rivara, Turin 2013 - A voice - Permanent installation - Private collection, Milan 2012 - Pure Power - Permanent installation - Mercuria Space, Almas Tower, Dubai 2010 - Mauer - Permanent installation - Speziale Arts & Cultures, Berlin 2010 - Annunciation - Permanent installation - SILT Studio, Milan 2009 - Custodian - Permanent installation - Private collection, Naples 2006 - Tradition, betrayal - University of Siena Collection 2004 - Just Ice - Permanent installation - Private collection, Rome 2004 - Italian Square - Permanent Installation - Private Collection, Rome 2004 - Architect - Permanent installation - Private collection, Rome 2003 - In memory - Permanent installation - Suite Vesuvio, Vesuvio Hotel, Naples 1999 - What remains - Permanent installation - Majestic Hotel, Naples 1998 - What goes - Permanent installation - Majestic Hotel, Naples 1997 - Memo - Permanent installation - Federico II University, Naples, Faculty of Engineering 1996 - A window - Permanent installation - Alaia Show Room, Naples 1990 - Altro non m'accade - Permanent installation - Il Gabbiano, Naples

Main group exhibitions:

2019 - Kou Gallery, Rome 2017 - Panopticon - Kandinskij House, Moscow 2017 - Conversation bridge with Paolo Aita, Compl. Monum. San Giovanni - Catanzaro 2013 - Play On - MAAM, Metropoliz, Rome 2012 - Quadratonomade - Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Rome 2011 - Over black black - Franz Paludetto Gallery, Rome 2011 - Over black black - Castello di Rivara, Center for Contemporary Art Rivara, Torino 2010 - Sacrifice - Dust in the eyes, dreams in the heart - L. Bafile Collection, L'Aquila 2008 - Antico e Novissimo - Palazzo Mochi-Zamperoli, Cagli 2008 - Below and above - Rampa Prenestina, Roma 2008 - The seventh wall - Scolamiero Studio, Roma 2003 - Animal House - DAG Gallery, Livorno 2003 - Americana - A.A.M. Modern Art and Architecture Gallery, Rome 2003 - On paper - A.A.M. Modern Art and Architecture Gallery, Rome 2000 - The essential is invisible to the eyes - Palazzo Mazziotti, Chaiazzo (CS) 1997 - From Real to Virtual - Temple Gallery, Rome 1992 - Artist's Book - Art Gallery S.Lorenzo, Rome 1990 - Italy 90 - Young Art Hypothesis - Fabbrica del Vapore, Milan 1990 - Young Art - Galleria Rondanini, Roma 1989 - Art in Rome 1980/89 - Galleria Rondanini, Roma 1988 - In Motion - Parco del Turismo, Rome


Events at Rome Art Week
20 Oct-03 Nov 2019
Group show
Free access
SBA Sporting Beach Arte
Lungomare Amerigo Vespucci 6
26 Oct 2019 | 17:00
Conversazione aperta a tutti sui temi evocati dalla mostra cabine d'artista
Free access
SBA Sporting Beach Arte
Lungomare Amerigo Vespucci 6
Oreste Casalini
25-27 Oct 2018 | 18:00-21:00
Oreste Casalini

Event by invitation only
Open Studio
Studio Oreste Casalini
Via Sergio Forti, 22
Aritmie - Vernissage
12 Oct 2017 | 18:30
Aritmie - Vernissage
Mostra personale di Oreste Casalini
Free access
Spazio Menexa
Via di Montoro, 3
12 Oct-04 Nov 2017
Oreste Casalini Solo Show
Free access
Spazio Menexa
Via di Montoro, 3
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