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The artistic Disertori project was born in Rome in october 2015.

- Bachelor degree in Historical art studies and criticism of art.

- Master in design, applied arts and scenography.

- Study project at PCA-Paris College of Art in collaboration whit the gallery Centre culturel ecole Ti art in Paris, in 2007.

- Study project at the gallery V&V in Vienna, in 2008.

- Since 2011 he has been a freelance artist in visual art and responsible for the set up whitin private galleries, istitutional diplomatic spaces such as European embassies in Italy, academies and cultural institutes  such as Centre Saint Louis-Istitut Français and IPSAR-Portuguese Institut of St Anthony in Rome, exhibition spases such as Macro and Maxxi. Organizes art contests including the two editions of "Aracne-arti per la Città" between 2014 and 2015, for the multidisciplinary "Dominio pubblico 2015" in collaboration whit the Theater Argot Studio and the Clock Theater and for the 2015 edition of the Rome Fringe Festival at Sant'Angelo Castel. From 2014 to 2016 he his responsible for the creation of visual artistic content whitin such as Rampa Prenestina, Istituto Poligrafico, Ex Dogana.

Disertori realizes works of installing character and scenography whit the aid of video projections, 3D mapping, interactive and hologram effects. His interesting in cinematic, artistic, scientific, performance and live elettronic and experimental music is characterized by all his production.


Events at Rome Art Week
11-12 Oct 2017 | 19:00-21:00

Free access
Open Studio
Libreria Coreander
Piazza di San Giovanni in Laterano 62
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