Natalia Triviño
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The idea of power and control has always been present in my creative process. I started developing the idea of Ex cathedra, which comes from the Latin phrase ex-cathedra, literally meaning "from the chair". The chair referred metaphorically to an infallible, irrefutable position of authority allowing no space for questioning.

The chair is held by physical strings, representing invisible and incomprehensible forces present in our known universe. Across the canvas, strings seem to escape from the dimensions that our eyes and mind comprehend, playing with elements of the model of theoretical physics – The String Theory, offering the possibility to explore multiple dimensions.

Gravity threatens to extinguish the world that I have created in my paintings, but strings seem to hold together spaces preventing them from collapse. Strings reflect the invisible social structures that have been created through the history of mankind to which we all want to belong and hang on to, evidencing our fear of solitude.



Participation in Conception Art Fair. New York-United States. May 2017.

Participation in Scope Art Fair. New York-United States. March 2017.

Solo Exhibition at the Z Gallery Arts. Vancouver-Canada. November 2016.

Exhibition at the Gallery of the Library at Willesden Green. London-United Kingdom, February 2016.

Exhibition at The Florence Trust. London-United Kingdom, July 2015.

Exhibition at The Florence Trust. London-United Kingdom, January 2015.

Exhibition in the collective exhibition ¨Stations of the Cross”. Perth-Australia, March 2013.

Publication in the book “Paisaje y Paisajismo en Colombia” (Landscape and Landscaping in Colombia) compiling works by different artists, by the renowned Spanish art critic Francisco Gil. Bogotá-Colombia, September 2012.

Publication in the book “VIII Bienal Internacional de Arte de Bogotá” (VIII International Bogotá Art Biennal) compiling works by different artists. Sponsored by the Office of the Major of Bogota. Bogotá-Colombia, August 2012.

Exhibition at the VIII Bienal Internacional de Arte de Bogotá (VIII International Bogotá Art Biennial). Bogotá- Colombia, July 2012.

Exhibition at the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Bogotá-MAC (Contemporary Art Museum of Bogotá), Barrio Bienal. Bogotá- Colombia, May 2012.

Solo exhibition at the Museo de la Municipalidad de Guayaquil (Municipal Museum of Guayaquil). Guayaquil-Ecuador, April-May 2012.

Exhibition at the Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá-MAMBO (Modern Art Museum of Bogotá) Barrio Bienal. Bogotá-Colombia, December 2011.

Participation in the plastic arts exhibition: “De la Amnesia a la Memoria” (From Amnesia to Memory) organized by the United Nations Development Program –UNDP. Bogotá-Colombia, October 2008.


Events at Rome Art Week
Natalia Triviño
09-14 Oct 2017 | 10:00-19:00
Natalia Triviño

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Natalia Triviño
Via della Luce, 19
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