Carlo Annesanti
(Rome Italy, 1959; 30 years of activity, exhibitions in Italy and
abroad, theatrical sets. Profile on VOGUE ITALIA. Exhibitions:
Infantry Museum Rome, Open Air Museum of Olevano
Romano, Mondadori Bookshop Genoa, University of Studies
of Rome, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery - Surgical Day
Hospital section at Policlinico Umberto I, Rome - Rose
Marine Gallery, Fort Worth, Texas, USA - International
Museum of Glass Art, Padua - Street Studio Art, Elgin, Illinois,
USA - Vatican City State - Los Altos Hill College, California,
USA; and again: charity sales for humanitarian and/or
scientific purposes - detailed biography is sent upon request)
owner of the Ostilia art studio in Rome in the Colosseum
area, member of the "Historical Workshops Association of
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