Lucas Fuller
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J. Lucas Fuller was born in Dallas, TX in 1979. He attended Pratt Institute for his BFA in Painting, as well as Wimbledon College of Art for an MFA and Kingston University for an MA in Experimental Film.


Originally a painter, Fuller also has a history with songwriting and filmmaking. His work has been shown internationally. He currently resides in Santa Fe, NM.


Fuller will join RAW 2017 with the Inter-actions project at Lo Spazio dell'Arte e Satoria, Via G. Cavalcanati, 27. His film CANTO LXXXI will be presented on the 14 October, h.6.30p.m. The film is a assemblage of four different archival materials based on the end of the WWII in Italy. This still delicated period (with the dramatic end of Mussolini and the Revolution) represents a metaphore for each "wisdom [that] cannot exist withhout disillusionment and humility. Images scroll on the American poet Ezra Pound's voice reading one of the most popular Pisan Cantos.


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