Renata Maccaro
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Renata Maccaro was born in Rome where she lives and works.She graduated with first class honours in Modern Arts, by the Faculty of Education in Rome.In 1994 she was one of the winners of “Premio Arte Giorgio Mondadori”.In 1996 she reached the final for the “Premio Trevi Flash Art Museum”.In 1999 she won the prize of the critics during Abstracta Competition (Galleria Art Point Black, Florence).In 2004 she was selected by Sharja Art Museum, Department of Cultural and Information (United Arab Emirates), on theme “Art has unified language”.In 2005 she was nominated for project “Rappresentare per immagini” within course “Assoluto e Illusion” given by Prof. Raffaele Torella – Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, Università of Rome La Sapienza.In 2008 she was selected by Regione Abruzzo for the “Premio Internazionale Emigrazione” (International Emigration Prize), Palazzo Santoro Colella, Pratola Peligna (AQ).She studies oriental philosophy, linguistic and history of religions.She is autodidact.

Events at Rome Art Week
Image not present
26-31 Oct 2020 | Time to be defined
Renata` Maccaro

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Renata` Maccaro
via carlo fadda, 50
Narrating Bodies
20 Oct-09 Nov 2019
Narrating Bodies
The encounter between Renata Maccaro and Angela Botta
Free access
via Pietro della Valle, 13c
22-27 Oct 2018
Collective exhibition curated by Roberta Melasecca
Free access
Spazio Maddalena
Piazza della Maddalena 6
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