Isotta Bellomunno
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Isotta bellomunno was born in 1987 in Naples (Napoli). She moved to Milan in 2005 to study sculpture at the Brera Academy of fine arts, graduating in 2011. During her stay in Milan she took part in several exhibitions that gave her the opportunity to be introduced to a wider audience. In Bellomunno's work it's possible to find two constant element, a bitter and always provoking irony, and the story of her family, important inspiration for her art style. She chooses different and various expressive solutions, like drawing, photography, sculpture and performance art. This eclecticism shows all the versatility and the capacity of the young artist to experiment and explore different kinds of art.

Events at Rome Art Week
Isotta Bellomunno. Da consumarsi preferibilmente entro
27 Oct-02 Dec 2018
Isotta Bellomunno. Da consumarsi preferibilmente entro
Installazioni, fotografie e disegni per parlare di nutrimento materno e morte
Free access
Casa Vuota
Via Maia 12 int. 4 A
Isotta Bellomunno. Da consumarsi preferibilmente entro. Inaugurazione
27 Oct 2018 | 18:30
Isotta Bellomunno. Da consumarsi preferibilmente entro. Inaugurazione
Inaugurazione della mostra alla presenza dell'artista
Free access
Casa Vuota
Via Maia 12 int. 4 A
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