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Artist statement: Luca Tomassini (Tomas) is an independent painter based in San Ginesio, Italy. His painting is imagination. It evokes environments that might be part of a dream. He uses symbols, allusions, dream figures. Sometimes he escapes from reality and he transports himself in a different world. A world that could be an ancestral past, or our next future. He interprets the heritage of humanity through invisible metaphors and elevates humanity to divinity. He is a kind of visionary who uses brushes and canvases to build new universes. There is a purpose of representing and communicating something in his paintings. A sort of thing that extends up to the future bringing myths and allegories, and reinterpreting them in a post contemporary key.

Fine arts work experience (1996-present): Painter / Portrait Artist / Illustrator

Selected painting exhibitions:

1996 – Exhibition “G. B. Salvi” Sassoferrato

1997 – Group show “Galleria Spazio Arte” Spoleto

1998 – Group show “Galleria Modigliana” Milano

1998 – Group show Associazione Culturale “Horti Lamiani” Roma

1998 – Solo show Villa Boschetti S. Cesario sul Panaro

1999 – Exhibition Associazione “Ecate Triforme” Belforte del Chienti

2002 – Group show a Associazione Culturale “Horti Lamiani” Roma

2003 – Group show Associazione “Ecate Triforme” Belforte del Chienti

2004 – Group show “La Madonna greca di Ravenna e la sua storia” Chiesa di S.Maria in Porto Ravenna

2005 – Group show Sant’Angelo in Pontano

2006 – Group show Il Colle S. Daniele

2006/2007 Group show Giardini Lido Cluana – 3° Rassegna internazionale arte vivente – Civitanova Marche

2008 – Group show “Artisti in Fiera” Centro Commerciale Isabella – Casette Verdini – Pollenza

2008 – Group show “Disfida del Bracciale” 30° Edizione – Sezione Arte – Treia

2008 – Group show “Free Artists United” Palazzo Cima, Cingoli

2011 – Solo show – Sala Foresi – Civitanova Marche

2009 – Solo show – Palazzo dei Cardinali Pallotta – Caldarola

2009 – Solo show – Chiesa della Pietà – Montelupone

2010 – Solo show – Palazzo del Mercato – Sarnano

2011 – Solo show – Palazzo del Popolo – Sarnano

2012 – Group show “Paratissima” – Torino

2012 – Group show “Arte in essenza informale” – Sala mostre circoscrizione 5 – Torino

2012 – Group show “Mantova Creativa” – Mantova

2012 – Group show “Angeli e Demoni caduti” – Macerata

2012 – Solo show – Rassegna Paesi Bandiera Arancione – San Ginesio

2012 – Group show “S’ex Upim” – a cura di ADAM Accademia delle Arti Macerata – Macerata

2013 – Group show “Muri e Divisioni”– Galleria Galeotti – a cura di ADAM Accademia delle Arti Macerata – Macerata

2014 – Group show “Mon Appétit” – Espace Beaurepaire – a cura di ADAM Accademia delle Arti Macerata – Parigi

2014 – Solo show “Cavalieri” – Centro Culturale Aldo Fabrizi – Roma

2015 – Solo show “Détrône, defrag, detox” – Set Up Plus Art Fair – a cura di Giuliana Guazzaroni – Fucine Vulcaniche Bologna and Augmented reality channels

2015 – Solo show “A RITROSO“. “RITROSIA. Poesie a Ritroso”. Performance by Ivan Fassio with Riccardo Cecchetti and SINERGIA in Augmented reality by Giuliana Guazzaroni

2015 – Solo show “Periferico è partecipazione. I Cavalieri di Tomas“. Augmented reality channel by Giuliana Guazzaroni. LA NOTTE DEI MUSEI 2015 – LOGGIATO del Museo ARCHEOLOGICO “Giuseppe Moretti”, Castello al Monte, San Severino Marche

2015 – Group show “Mon Appétit” – Ecofrazione di Baggero – a cura di ADAM Accademia delle Arti Macerata – Merone (CO)

2015 – Group show OGGI È TUTTO MOLTO STRANO (Alice nelle magiche meraviglie e i suoi perché) – a cura di CACC Centro Arte Contemporanea, Cittadella (PD)

2015 – Six Wine labels with Augmented reality experience for Vini Conti di Castell’Alfero (AT)

2016 – Solo show “Orientarsi, perché?” – Set Up Plus Art Fair – a cura di Giuliana Guazzaroni – Sartoria New Dandy, via Marescalchi 4 Bologna and Augmented reality channel

2016 – Interactive experience “Walking Eight” Virtual reality performance by Giuliana Guazzaroni – TOC Festival Tolentino, Palazzo Parisani-Bezzi, Museo Napoleonico.

2016 – Solo show “Mio simile, fratello” – San Ginesio Segreta, Palazzo Onofri, Salone delle Carrozze “G. Cardarelli”.

2016 – Open 19. International Exhibition of Sculptures and Installations – Molino Stucky – Venezia. Collage: “Energy Drink” with AR / VR performance.

2017 – “Energy Drink” – Circolo Off, Ancona.

2017 – “Walking 8” – SetUp Plus, Bologna, “Dal Sarto” Via A. Righi.

2017 – “(8) Infiniti limiti” – Macerata Racconta, Antichi forni, David Miliozzi (2.05.2017).

2018 – “Nathan Mills. Tempo medio di attesa” – SetUp Plus, Bologna, “L’Altro Spazio” Via N. Sauro 24/F.

2018 – “AR[t]CEVIA International Art Festival” – From 4/08 to 14/10/2018 – PALAZZO DEI PRIORI, Arcevia (AN).

2019 – “80 con i nostri occhi” – 80sFest Forever Young – From 12 to 15/09/2019 – CORRIDONIA (MC).

2019 – “Marche Europa nella città ideale” – Galleria Albani, Urbino. 23 November – 8 December

2020 – “Marche Europa nella città ideale” – Magazzini UTO, Macerata. 21 June – 12 July 2020.

2020 – “Virtual Humanity Stage” (Multimedia technique). Contest “Domani In Arte” – Galleria d’Arte Moderna, Rome (Via Crispi). From July 28, 2020.                                   

2020 – The “Virtual Humanity Stage” (Multimedia technique). From 9 to 23 September 2020 – Ars Electronica .ART Gallery, online section of the Linz Electronic Art Festival, 2020 edition. 

2020 – “Confessions” (oil on canvas). From 28 October to 23 December 2020 – MA-EC Gallery in collaboration with Zing Art Group, collective exhibition: “DUALITY Nothing is as it appears?” Durini Palace Via Santa Maria Valle 2 Milan.

2020 – The Foxes (Collective film, December 2020). Casa degli Artisti di Sant’Anna del Furlo, “Cagli l’attimo”. Cagli (PU).

2021 – “Saint George and the dragon” (oil and acrylic on canvas). From 4 to 19 September

2021. Collective exhibition “Dalla Sibilla la Rinascenza” curated by Alessandro Seri for ADAM Accademia. Piccole Cisterne romane, Fermo.

2021 – “Dance Macabre” (digital VR technique). From 9 September. VR-AR group show “Concrete House .art” Ars Electronica, Linz.

2021 – “The foxes” (Mixed technique). From 4 December. Collective exhibition “Cagli l’attimo” Cagli (PU).


2022 - "San Salvario" (Collage on Plexiglas). Collective exhibition "Points of view. Art and colors from the world". Day of the Contemporary A.M.A.C.I. From 23 September to 10 October. GARD Galleria Arte Roma Design, Rome.

2022 - "Ruggiero and Angelica" (Collage on Plexiglas). Collective exhibition "Art and Words". Rome Art Week, RAW. From 19 October to 3 November. GARD Galleria Arte Roma Design, Rome.

2022 - "Janette" (Oil on canvas). Collective "Make love" by Seri Editore. From 22 October to 3 November. De Marchi Gallery, Bologna

Events at Rome Art Week
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19 Oct-02 Nov 2022
Art & Words 2022
dove il comune denominatore è l’unione dell'opera con la parola
Free access
Vernissage Wednesday 19 Oct 2022 | 17:00-21:00
GARD Galleria Arte Roma Design
Via Dei Conciatori 3/ i ( Giardino Interno )
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26 Oct 2022 | 10:00-20:00

Free access
Open Studio
GARD Galleria Arte Roma Design
Via dei Conciatori 3
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