Federica Patera + Andrea Sbra Perego
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Federica Patera and Andrea Sbra Perego, namely tying literature and art with a thread. Their collaboration combines both experiences in a common work, with the intention of being a bridge, a confluence of the two disciplines.Andrea, Bergamo 1982, lives and works in Turin. He mainly focuses on painting, but his experiences range from photography to video, from sculpture to installation. His artistic research feeds on travels and experiences aimed to investigate the close relationship between human and the surrounding environment. Man is the leading actor in the interaction with the urban space, the place he stay is always humanized, and is a witness to the conditioning that society contributes to nature.Federica, Bergamo 1982, lives in Turin. Her study focuses on the concepts of translation and eternity, to tell and understand how reality is built, tracing in it what remains unchanged, and therefore does not fall into categories neither spatial or chronological, but uses them to manifest. The use of fixed languages and sacred texts, which evade the historical method, are the means to carry out an overcoming of the individual sphere. The intent is to bring attention back to universal language. The writing and the fabric are her work tools.The duo was officially born in 2017 with the RAR project, which focuses on value of the analogy in literature.  At the heart of their investigation is the dynamic that leads reading to become writing, and the other way around the user to become an exhibitor, mixing roles.The exchange that is established guarantees the transmission, that it goes beyond repetition and finds its completion in transformation. In RAR, eternity of a work is measured in its ability to be a perennially fruitful, heralding basin of understanding and intuition.In 2021, they founded DRIM | Contemporary art ground, an artist run space in the heart of Turin, where, in the first year of activity, they managed, curated and sponsored various exhibition of emerging, national and international artists.




January 2023 – Group show; Ivy Brown Gallery, New York (USA)January 2023 – Fiberstorming, curated by Barbara Pavan; former University, Bergamo (IT)October 2022 – Art Verona fair, with Manuel Zoia Gallery, Verona (IT)October 2022 – The Soft Revolution, curated by Barbara Pavan; Textile Museum, Busto Arsizio (IT)


May 2022 – Tĕxere, curated by Barbara Pavan and Susanna Cati; SCD Textile and art studio, Perugia (IT)April 2022 – Extended version; Raffaella De Chirico arte contemporanea, Turin (IT)October 2021 – Note senza testo, curated by Cristina Cuttica; Manuel Zoia gallery, Verona (IT)September 2021 – (La) Natura (è) morta – 80 edition Cramum prize, curated by Sabino Maria Frassà;Villa Mirabello, Milano (IT)January 2021 – WOP Art Fair; Raffaella De Chirico arte contemporanea, Lugano (CH)December 2020 – RAR: 2015 – 2020; Raffaella De Chirico arte contemporanea, Turin (IT)May 2019 – Here; Cavalerizza Reale, Turin (IT)October 2018 – RAR: mappe letterarie, catalogue presentation; Bookshop Bodoni-Spazio B, Turin (IT)June 2018 – RAR: mappe letterarie, catalogue presentation; Colibrì library, Milan (IT)November 2017 – Paesaggio immaginale; Raffaella De Chirico arte contemporanea, Turin (IT)




2018 – 2019 Biblical and Modern Hebrew course, University of Turin2018 – 2019 Sanskrit course, University of Turinjuly – aug 2009 English Language course, Rennert School, New York2007 – 2009 Two-year Master in Storytelling Techniques, Holden School of Turin2004 – 2008 Faculty of Literature and Philosophy, Bachelor’s Degree in Literature and Criticism inContemporary Italy, University of Milan


From 2010 to 2018 – publishing and cultural events, press office and sales manager for Codiceedizioni, Codice. Idee per la cultura, Edizioni BD, LiberAria.


2021 – Choices, group show; Raffaella De Chirico arte contemporanea, Milan2020 – Levenim. La creazione dei dettagli לבנים , solo show; Raffaella De Chirico artecontemporanea, Turin


LAST Magazine, co-founder, launch number 0 in December 2021: paper magazine on genderidentity, body positivity, sex education and pleasure.Publications in literary magazines since 2015Articles about the RAR project that appeared in La Balena Bianca magazine – Article titlesAspettando i naufraghi nella lettura de Gli imperdonabiliCome si costruisce RARRAR: mappe e paroleSe io scrivessi un libro: Markson/WittgensteinIl fiore di LernerLa frammentarietà di Giordano TedoldiPublication in other literary magazines (list of mags in alphabetical order):Bandito; Cadillac; Colla; La Nuova Verde; L’Inquieto; Narrandom; Radio Busta; Rivista Letteraria;TerraNullius.Novel in reading at a literary agency.




2001 – 2005 Fine art academy of Brera, Milano1996 – 2000 Art school Giovanni Manzoni, Bergamo


2021 – So far, so close; Raffaella De Chirico arte contemporanea, Bergamo2018 – Deep Surfaces; Name1 London Art Gallery, Chateu Gutsch, Luzern2017 – Crossroads; Federica Morandi Art Project, Milan2016 – Man through the cites, curated by Francesca Canfora; Hotel TownHouse 70, Turin2015 – Torri vs Perego; Mazzoleni Foundation, Bergamo2014 – BioGrafazio; 77 Art Gallery, Milan2014 – Oroccoccoro Culinary Poster Presentation; Bank restaurant Westminster, London2013 – Drop in London; BCA Architects, London


2021 – Summer of expectations; Raffaella De Chirico arte contemporanea, Turin2020 – Robotic Man; Independent Artists Gallery, Varese2019 – Urban People / Artificial Landscape; Atelier Numas Igra, Basel2019 – Urban People; Independent Artists Gallery, Varese2017 – From Milan To Osaka, A bridge of feelings to discover the self; Italian Institute of Culture, Osaka2017 – Nuova officina torinese; MAU Urban art museum, Turin2015 – Man in the city; Independent Artists gallery, Milan2015 – Oroccoccoro in Berlin; Werk Kunst Galerie, Berlin2014 – Urban Art, Immaginario Suburbano; Artepassante, Milan2014 – Unpainted World; ArtMeet Gallery, Milan2014 – Index; Hide Gallery, London2014 – Linguaggi del corpo; 77 Art Gallery, Milan2013 – Behind the images; Gallery on the corner, London


2019 – Art Market Budapest; Name 1 London Art Gallery2019 – Frame Art Fair Basel; Name 1 London Art Gallery2018 – Luxemburg Art Fair; Independent Artists Gallery2018 – Rhy Art Fair Basel; Name 1 London Art Gallery


2019 – Art Akwani; Bazaleti lake, Georgia2018 – SMD Art Foundation, Bramaputra river art festival; Guwahati, Assam, India2017 – Zenith Art and Fashion Gallery, Miami, USA2017 – Ode to life; Petrovic castle, Podgorica, Montenegro


2020 – Mellone art prize, Dario Mellone Foundation, Busto Garolfo, VA (finalist)2018 – ContemporaneaMENTI, Arsenale Foundation, Iseo BS (finalist, jury mention)2016 – Io Espongo, Azimut cultural association, Turin (finalist)



April 2022 – Emersioni (group show), curated by Marta Blanchietti – Carola Del PizzoNovember 2021 – Pheri-phéro (group show), curated by Marta Blanchietti – Carola Del PizzoOctober 2021 – Stefano Cescon, From wax till downSeptember 2021 – Sara Crepaldi, Di carne e di ossa, partecipating in the Outsider art festivalSeptember 2021 – Gianmaria Dellarossa, Hard memories, voglia di dormire e boringJune 2021 – Sky is the limit (group show)April 2021 – Michele Liuzzi, A confession, the shadow line

Events at Rome Art Week
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