Philippe Adrien
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PHILIPPE ADRIEN, born in Belgium, lives and works between Marseille, Rome and Venice. He studied at the HEC business school in Paris. Once a textile artist, he created his fashion company and developed this activity at an international level until he went back to his artist studio. As a visual artist who masters a wide variety of techniques, he was fascinated when he discovered cast glass five years ago and decided to express himself through this medium, between transparency and opacity, hardness and fragility. His more recent creative exploration was at The Berengo Foundation on Murano island.

« … Il demande au medium de révéler une chair, une présence, une peau, une translucidité plutôt qu'une transparence, un poids, une gravité. C’est dans cette perspective qu’il a désigné le concept de verre sauvage ou WILD GLASS … » Raymond Martinez


1980 - 1990 textile art exploring traditional techniques and fabrics

Various exhibitions in France, Europe, USA


1990 creation of the brand "Madame Zaza of Marseille", fashion design company


2012 "Les Procédants" installation, church of Saint Cannat in Marseille, Festival des Musiques Interdites , curated by Michel Pastore


2013 "Indigo!" in “Marseille 2013 European Capital of Culture”


2013 "Mythologies" installation in the main courtyard of the Prefecture of Marseille, Festival des Musiques Interdites, curated by Michel Pastore


2015 “Mythologies” installation, Festival « La Tour Extérieurs Nuits », Porche de la Tour, L’Isle sur Sorgues, curated by André Ughetto


2018 "The Tears of Eros" (Georges Bataille), Gallery Pigments, Lurs, Alpes de Haute Provence



2019 “Tears of Eros 2”, Galerie HLM (Hors Les Murs) Marseille, curated by Axelle Galtier


2019 “Le Nectar des Dieux” installation for the exhibition “Eloge de la gourmandise” at MAMA Marseille, curated by Anne Sophie Mary


2020 "Indigo Memories" at the Docks Village Marseille, renewed dialogue between two artists Marisa Laurens and Philippe Adrien


2021 Art Fair Montpellier Gallery Patrick Bartoli


2021 "Every picture tells the story", Lauba Gallery, Zagreb, Croatia





Events at Rome Art Week
karmen corak – philippe adrien  MUTE DESIRE (desiderio sommerso)
26 Oct-02 Dec 2022
karmen corak – philippe adrien MUTE DESIRE (desiderio sommerso)
Photographs by Karmen Corak and glass sculptures by the artist Philippe Adrien
Free access
Vernissage Tuesday 25 Oct 2022 | 17:00-19:30
Museo Hendrik Christian Andersen
Via Pasquale Stanislao Mancini 20
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