Michelangelo Pietradura
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Michelangelo Pietradura was born in Foggia in 1974. After attending the Art Institute of Foggia, he received his Bachelor's degree in Multimedia Graphics at the Academy of Fine Arts in Foggia. His style is based on the eclecticism of research and on the incessant experimentation of forms and materials through different techniques: from drawing to painting, from watercolors to engraving, from installations to sculpture. His works are present in the permanent collections in Deliceto Castle, at Giovanni Panunzio Association in Foggia, at Sant'Anna Museum in Deliceto, at Antica Casa Nebiolo in Asti. 


from 26 to 31 october 2020 he partecipate in the collective "Labirinti" at Bat Gallery/Studio Milani in Rome for Rome Art Week 2020.

from 23 to 25 october 2019 he partecipated in the collective "L'Infinito. Più vicino all'universo dove annegare il pensiero", at Complesso Monticello in Rome for Rome Art Week 2019. 

from 5 to 31 august 2019 he partecipated in the collective "Muse al castello", at the Norman Castle of Deliceto;

from 8 to 12 july 2019 he partecipated in the Artist's Residence Tavola di Migliandolo at Antica Casa Nebiolo of Asti;

on 22 may 2019 he exposed in the Study Conference "Dante, Michelangelo, Bach- Il viaggio della coscienza dell'uomo verso Dio" at the Fedora Room of the Umberto Giordano Theater in Foggia;

from 13 to 20 december 2018 he partecipated in the collective "In luce" at the Ducal Castle of Bovino;

from 20 to 24 november 2018 he partecipated in the collective "20x20 San Gennaro Expo" at MaMo Gallery in Milan;

on 6 november 2018 he exhibited the portait of Giovanni panunzio in the event "L'esempio e l'impegno" at Santa Chiara Auditorium in Foggia;

from 1 to 30 november 2018 he partecipated in the collective "Tutte le feste andassero e venissero ma Pasqua d'Epifania mai che tornasse" at Sant'Anna e Morti Church in Deliceto;

from 22 to 29 september 2018 he partecipated in the collective "Aequa nox. Mostra di arti visive decontemporanee" at the Venerable Convent of San Francesco in Giffoni Valle Piana;

from 19 september to 8 october 2018 he partecipated in the collective "San Gennaro Expo" at Lineadarte Officina Creativa Gallery in Naples;

from 11 to 12 april 2018 he partecipated in the collective "Antonio Lucci. Illuminista francescano" in the Study Conference "Il Santo e la sua città. Impronta francescana nella Capitanata del Settecento" at the Municipal Library already Convent of San Pasquale in Lucera;

from 20 to 27 february 2018 he parteciated in the collective "Le città arcobaleno" in the event for the establishment of the Lgbt Observatory of Capitanata at Santa Chiara Auditorium in Foggia;

from 3 to 4 february 2018 he parteciated in the collective "Luci e ombre. Meditazioni caravaggesche" at Officina Teatrale - Teatro dell'Accorgersi in Foggia;

from 8 to 31 december 2017 he partecipated in the factory and collective "Letizia Dei. La vita Operosa" at Monserrato Arte 900 Gallery in Rome;

in october 2017 he partecipated in the collective "Colle-ktiva" at Bat Gallery - Studio Milani in Rome;

from may to november 2017 he partecipated in the collective "Mailing art" at "La Merlettaia" Cultural Center in Foggia and at Civic Museum in Chioggia;

from 22 to 30 may 2017 he partecioated in the collective "Monsters" at Bat Gallery - Studio Milani in Rome;

from 20 to 22 february 2017 he partecipated in the collective "Il dono dell'accoglienza" at Giovanni Panunzio Association in Foggia;

from 8 december 2016 ti 8 january 2017 he partecipated in the collective "La favola sacra del Natale" at Sant'Anna e Morti, Sant'Antonio and Annunziata Churchs in Deliceto;

from 25 to 31 august 2016 he esposed in the personal "I moti dell'anima" at Norman Castle in Deliceto;

from 31 july to 15 august 2016 he partecipated in the collective "Dai frammenti del sacro alla ricomposizione del mito" at Civic Museum C. G. Nicastro in Bovino;

from 22 september 2015 to 8 september 2016 he partecipated in the collective "Visioni di santi e amore mistico" at Sant'Anna e Morti Church in Deliceto;

from 12 june to july 2013 he parteciated in chalcography collective "Il capriccio 2" at Academy of Fine Arts in Foggia;

from 4 to 12 june 2012 he partecipated in photography collective "L'obiettivo dell'arte" at Palazzetto dell'Arte in Foggia;

on 2 june 2012 he partecipated in the National Chalcography Competition Comune di Golarco;

in april 2012 he partecipated in the International Art Fair at Fiera del Levante in Bari;

from 11 novembre 2011 to 4 march 2012 he pertecipated in the Biennial Engraving at Villa Renatico Martini in Monsummano Terme;

in 2002 he esposed in the personal at Municipal Building in Sannicandro;

from 1 to 16 march 1997 he parteipated in the collective "La dismisura del silenzio" at Palazzo delle Esposizioni in Foggia.

Events at Rome Art Week
L’Infinito - Più vicini all’universo dove annega il pensiero
23-25 Oct 2019
L’Infinito - Più vicini all’universo dove annega il pensiero
Progetto per il bicentenario de L’Infinito di Leopardi
Free access
Complesso Monticello
Via Aurelia, 278
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