Tina Bellini
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Tina Bellini was born in Pescara,on 05/05/1978,since 1992 she has attented  the Misticoni Art High School in Pescara,then the Integrative Course,Schenography Course,and attends the European University Design.After her studies ,Tina worked at the family,a high level salottificio,as an interior designer  for about 10yearIn 2012 Tina realizes a line fourniture covered with recycled materials,such as newpaper,cans,cardboard,glass...obtaining great results in fact 2014,present nel panorama in the national and international design,will be present in several magazines of industry all over the world,such as Russia,China,Brazil..in 2014 he took part in th Milano's fuorisalone,and thanks to it he immediately started working until 2017 in Milan TID,art gallery and design,participating in several collective exhibitions in Mialn,up to Swiss in Lugano.In 2015 she was invited to take part in the three-year design eventi in Milano,to the steam

Events at Rome Art Week
L’Infinito - Più vicini all’universo dove annega il pensiero
23-25 Oct 2019
L’Infinito - Più vicini all’universo dove annega il pensiero
Progetto per il bicentenario de L’Infinito di Leopardi
Free access
Complesso Monticello
Via Aurelia, 278
Dangerous kindness project
24 Oct 2019 | 17:00
Dangerous kindness project
La gentilezza è pericolosa - Curated by Roberta Melasecca
Free access
Officine Nove
Vicolo del Casale Galvani 9
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