Giulia Manfredi
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Data and contact details

Giulia Manfredi was born in Castelfranco Emilia in 1984, she majored in painting in Bologna at the Academy of fine arts in 2008 with a thesis in new media and satellite technology. She has lived in Berlin from 2006 to 2014 where she has attended courses at the the UDK (university of arts) in visual communication and fine arts with Hito Steyerl. In Berlin she has collaborated with a collective of international artists with whom she has organized different projects and exhibitions. She has won the fifth edition of Premio Cramum in 2017 and has exhibited in numerous european cities and venues, She currently lives and works in Rome.



2017 YICCA- finalist at YICCA prize 2017

2017 CRAMUM- winner of the fifth edition of PREMIO CRAMUM/ Milan

2014 REACT, uomo, natura, magia- residency at CECILIA Centro per la Creatività/ Tito, Potenza

2013 UN'OPERA PER IL CASTELLO- finalist at “la memoria dello spazio, lo spazio della memoria” / Castel Sant'Elmo / Napoli

2013 GAT- finalist at “giovani artisti di talento, Artour-o” /parco villa la vedetta/ Firenze



2017 KATABASI- ADDART gallery/ Spoleto

2016 ARCANA- ADDART gallery/ Spoleto

2015 OUROBOROS- MIC /Faenza

2015 AS ABOVE SO BELOW- Palazzo Bevilacqua/ Bologna

2014 ORIZZONTE D'ABBANDONO- spazio 9/ Bologna

2012 JUDGE ME NOT- double Solo exhibition with artist Martin Vongrej/ AMT project / Bratislava

2012 MALANOTTE- museo e biblioteca della musica/ Bologna/ Italy



2017 NON ESISTE IL TEMPORALE- With Rudy Cremonini and Marta Coletti/ L'Ariete, Bologna

2017ARTVERONA- representing ADD-ART gallery/ Verona

2016 DIGITAL HUMANITIES- beta 80 group/ Milano

2016 ARTVERONA- representing ADD-ART gallery/ Verona

2015 SAFARI MOON- visionnaire/ Milano

2014 FRAMMENTI- Palazzo Chigi di Formello (Roma)/

2014 WITH EYES WIDE BLINKING- Alte Kindl Brauerei am Sudhaus/ Berlin

2014 IT'S ABOUT TIME- Alte Kindl Brauerei Neckarstr/ Berlin

2014 ZEROPERCENTO- bassetti/ Rome

2014 PLAYTIME- cell63/ Berlin

2014 ARTE FIERA- galleria Bianconi / Bologna

2013 ERRORS ALLOWED- biennale del mediterraneo/ mole Vanvitelliana, Ancona

2013 DOMUS ARTIUM- Salamanca/ Spain

2013 ARTE FIERA- Galleria Fumagalli / Bologna

2013 NEW FUTURE- curated by Manuela Valentini / Palazzo Poggi / Bologna

2012 WEYA- biennal of young artist/ Nottingham/ England, representing BJCEM

2012 DOBIARTEVENTI- Dobialab/ Dobia/ Italy

2012 THE DRAUGHTMANS CONGRESS- Invitation to an art project by Pawel Althamer as part of the 7th berlin biennial

2012 SWAB art fair representing BJCEM- Barcellona/ Spain,

2012 GROUP EXHIBITION- galleria Fumagalli/ Bergamo / italy

2012 ON- Hangar 6/ Milano/ Italy

2011 PARAFERNALIA- Flausina/ Lisbon/ Portugal

2010 THE EQUINOX* PROJECT- 2 curators. 2 shows. Same artists. -Grimmuseum/Berlin-SPEEDERBIKE PRIMITIVE version Despina Stokou -HIGHLIGHT WHAT YOU LOVE version Silja Leifsdottir

2010 DOBIARTEVENTI- Dobialab/ Dobia/ Italy

2010 THE SCIENTIST- Ferrara/ Italy

2010 FUOCHI FATUI- Galleria dei sotteranei di palazzo ducale/ Pavullo/ Italy

2009 %VOL- Able Kulturverein/ Berlin/ Germany

2009 METAMORPHOSES- visions contemporaines/group exhibition Paris/ France

2009 ENDENOVO, dal Decameron ad Alexanderplatz- group exhibition/ Castelvecchio/ Verona/ Italy

2009 URBAN JEALOUSY- Roaming Biennal if Teheran/ group exhibition/ Belgrade/ Serbia

2009 URBAN JEALOUSY- Roaming Biennal if Teheran/ group exhibition/ Berlin/ Germany

2009 URBAN JEALOUSY- Roaming Biennal if Teheran/ group exhibition/ Istanbul/ Turkey

2007 RUNDGANG UDK- Berlin/ Germany

Events at Rome Art Week
La fonte dell
15 Oct-15 Nov 2022
La fonte dell'opera
Mostra collettiva di installazioni e sculture in ambiente naturale
Free access
Vernissage Saturday 15 Oct 2022 | 15:30
Consorzio "La Giacinta"
via della Giustiniana, 959
Giulia Manfredi
24-27 Oct 2018 | 16:00-19:00
Giulia Manfredi

Event by invitation only
Open Studio
Studio Andrea Pinchi
via tribuna di campitelli 24
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