Lisa Eleuteri Serpieri
The production I have decided to carry forward and further develop features women as the subject, portrayed in all their most intimate facets, and represented through the wonderful nudity of their bodies, free from stereotypes and social constraints.
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Events at Rome Art Week
Lisa Eleuteri Serpieri
27 Oct 2023 | 15:00-20:00
Lisa Eleuteri Serpieri

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Lisa Eleuteri Serpieri
via Pasquale Alecce 25
Lisa Eleuteri Serpieri
28 Oct 2022 | 15:30-21:00
Lisa Eleuteri Serpieri

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Lisa Eleuteri Serpieri
via Pasquale Alecce 25
Lisa Eleuteri Serpieri
25-26 Oct 2019 | 15:00-22:00
Lisa Eleuteri Serpieri

Free access
Open Studio
via Pasquale Alecce 25
via Pasquale Alecce 25/27
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