Flavia Mitolo
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Flavia Mitolo comes from a sculptor's family of Pietrasanta, where she is used to spend long period of time. Since her childhood she has been attracted by the main international masters she has always followed with the greatest interest sure to have found her vocation in painting. She accomplished the Arts Hight School Degree and later the Graphic Design Diploma at the European Design Institute working as a Graphic Designer for some time immediately after. In Pierrasanta she undertook a rigorous training with Jack Marshall a Yale University sculptor's teacher. In 1991 she left Rome for London where she remained for two years establishing very important contacts in the always shifting city's global milieu. She came back in Italy and settled in Milan. For many years she has been travelling throughout the four corners of the earth testing the globe's differences and it's manifold colours. In the 2001 she came back in Rome where she resumed with accuracy and skill her painting research. At the present she lives and works  between Rome and Pietrasanta. 


Events at Rome Art Week
Flavia Mitolo
28 Oct 2023 | 18:00-23:00
Flavia Mitolo

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Flavia Mitolo
Via Ippolito Pindemonte, 32a
Flavia Mitolo
28 Oct 2022 | 18:30-22:30
Flavia Mitolo

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Flavia Mitolo
Via Ippolito Pindemonte, 32a
Tra materia e luce
28 Oct 2022 | 18:00-22:00
Tra materia e luce
Mostra del collettivo IM-MATERIALIS - Vernissage
Free access
Lumina design
Via Lorenzo Valla 40/a
Tra materia e luce
28 Oct-06 Nov 2022
Tra materia e luce
Mostra del collettivo IM-MATERIALIS
Free access
Vernissage Friday 28 Oct 2022 | 18:00-22:00
Lumina design
Via Lorenzo Valla 40/a
Flavia Mitolo
27 Oct 2021 | 18:30-20:30
Flavia Mitolo

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Flavia Mitolo
Via Ippolito Pindemonte, 32a
Flavia Mitolo
28 Oct 2020 | 16:00-18:00
Flavia Mitolo

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Flavia Mitolo
Via Ippolito Pindemonte, 32a
Image not present
23 Oct 2019 | 16:00-21:00
Flavia Mitolo

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Flavia Mitolo
Via Ippolito Pindemonte, 32a
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