Paola Alviano Glaviano
Data and contact details

Paola Alviano Glaviano

Born in Rome, she graduated from the I Liceo Artistico in Via di Ripetta in 1980. Later, while attending the Faculty of Architecture and the Scuola Libera del Nudo, she deepened her interest in the human body, which will have an important part in her work as a painter. . The constant search for new techniques evolves quickly, from the brush to the spatula, from color to black and white and then back to polychromy and again to monochrome with the use of bitumen. From canvas to Juta and subsequently to cardboard, which represents its current phase. Collecting cartons for recycling, taking them to your studio and painting on them, means fixing life on what appears to have exhausted its first function and which would be destined for recycling or a chemical recycling process. In this way they become a testimony of a previous "existence" that, through re-use in transforming them into paintings will become eternal ... as the Art itself is eternal ... "Mine is a continuous search, a journey that, even when it seems to have reached its goal, finds me ready to start again with new expressive experiences, new techniques, new worlds ... every new exploration is never a change but a transformation of the lived experience , aware of my restlessness, this eternal restlessness that will never make me feel satisfied ".


Events at Rome Art Week
Bodyologies IX
21 Oct-07 Nov 2024
Ninth exhibition on the theme of the body, within the (S)exhibitions, analyzed once again in its infinite possibilities of social, psychological and naturally aesthetic interaction, through the works of nine international artists.
Free access
Vernissage Monday 21 Oct 2024 | 17:30-20:00
Ospizio Giovani Artisti
Via Cernaia, 15
Image not present
27 Oct 2023 | 15:30-18:30

Free access
Open Studio
Giardini di Piazza Vittorio
Piazza Vittorio
Small Format Art
28 Oct 2022 | 17:30-21:00
Una combinazione di opere molto diverse tra loro per composizione, modelli e mat
Free access
Galleria Alice Attònita
Piazza della Torretta, 19
My Land
29 Oct 2021 | 18:00-21:00
Riflessioni sul rapporto tra Uomo e Ambiente
Free access
Galleria Mo.C.A
Piazza degli Zingari, 1
Il Tunnel degli artisti maledetti
26 Oct 2019 | 17:00-21:00

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Simone Pagano
Piazza Dante, 2
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