Manohar Chiluveru
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Especially known for his large-scale live painting events, sculptures and public installations, Manohar Chiluveru’s work addresses questions associated with individual and collective identities, global connectivity and relational aesthetics. His Collective Paintings and other works have been presented in: Manifesta12 Collateral (2018)‘something else off’ -Biennale Cairo 2018; Pune Biennale (India, 2017); Macro Museum of Contemporary Art of Rome (2017); MAAM Museo dell’Altro e dell’Altrove (Rome, 2017). Previously, his work has been exhibited in one-artist and group shows in venues as: “Possible Effect” solo show, collateral event of Kochi-Muziris Biennale (India, 2015); “Personal Structure. Crossing Borders” Palazzo Moraand Palazzo Bembo, group show during the 56th Venice Biennial (2015); “Amour”, solo show, Alliance Française (Hyderabad, 2014); “Imagine Earth”, solo show at India Art Fair (New Delhi, 2014); “Meta-Matters” solo show at Salar Jung Museum (Hyderabad, 2013); “Imago Mundi”, group show at Fondazione Querini Stampalia, as collateralevent of the 55th Venice Biennial (2015) among others.


Current Project:

Manohar Chiluveru has initiated the 24 cities travel Art & Book project titled ''ODYSSEY' (working title).The project will be realized in 24 cities in three editions. During the travels, the artist will meet art professionals, explore cities and towns, and exhibit at Art fairs, Biennales and in various cultural exhibitions.The aim of the project is to create a new global Art Network, and the work progress will unfold into new Art startups.  The outcome of the project artworks will be published in three parts between the years 2020 -2024.

During the Rome Art Week he will be resident artist by Andrea Pinchi's studio where he will create paintings for the ""In the realm of dreams" exhibition by the T24 Art Space (Via della Tribuna di Campitelli 24, Roma) cured by Giuditta Elettra Lavinia Nidiaci and assistant curator Costanza Sciuto, from October 21st to 26th 2019, opening 7 PM.

In occasione della Rome Art Week sarà ospite nello studio dell'artista Andrea Pinchi dove creerà opere per la mostra , allo Spazio Arte T24 (Via della Tribuna di Campitelli 24, Roma) a cura di  dal 21 al 26 ottobre 2019, opening ore 19.


For more info visit


Artist Statement

My work happens in-between the act of spontaneity and preconceived

ideas and thoughts. My art process is triggered through responses and reactions to my

surrounding environment and is inspired by day-to-day life experiences.

The act of creation begins spontaneously, travels through mundane

experiences, memories, and meets with the idea that refers to the age we

are living in. Equally, my art also begins with an idea, metamorphoses

intuitively, and travels through moment-to-moment experience of creation which ultimately evolves into a dialogue within mediums and materials. This results in the becoming of its own unique being, thus detaching itself from “my creation” and instead, inviting the viewer to interact with and develop a sense of belonging with the creation or an idea.


Events at Rome Art Week
Manohar Chiluveru and Andrea Pinchi
21-26 Oct 2019 | 16:00-20:00
Manohar Chiluveru and Andrea Pinchi

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Manohar Chiluveru
Via della Tribuna di Campitelli, 24
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