Gianna Attiani
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Gianna Attiani graduated in Art in 1979 and in Architecture in 1990. In 2001 she specialized in Garden Architecture and Landscape Design. Since 1993 she has been professionally involved in landscape design, winning important awards in national and international competitions and collaborating with the University of Rome La Sapienza on temporary teaching modules. Her passion for the artistic disciplinary field led her to deepen the experience and techniques of life drawing. In the years 2016/2017 she attended  the School of Arts and Crafts of the Roman Municipality and then enrolled at the Fine Arts Academy of Rome to acquire more skills in the artistic-pictorial field. Always working on landscape subjects, she prepares works on raw canvas in charcoal and oil in various formats. More specifically, she concentrates on drawing trees - trees, the series - and also experiments with other painting techniques (watercolour) to create abstract compositions - landscapes in motion. She has exhibited her works in three public exhibitions: two in the Arca di Noesis Gallery, in the historic central district of the capital (il Celio)  and one in a video-installation inside the Modern Art Gellery of Rome.


Events at Rome Art Week
Gianna Attiani
27 Oct 2021 | 17:00-21:00
Gianna Attiani

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Anselmi Attiani Architetti Associati
Via Pannonia 51
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