Emanuela Di Filippo
Fashion and Costume in the Visual Arts
This participant has not yet organized an event or exhibition in this edition or has not been included within an event or exhibition organized by another participant.
Data and contact details

Emanuela Di Filippo (Rome, Italy 1984) is a teacher and visual artist in the field of Fashion, Art Management and Training.

Graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, she obtained her teaching qualification in Italy and the professional equivalent also in the United Kingdom. Over the years she has specialized in Fashion Culture with a Master in Fashion Management, applying her experience and research by teaching Fashion Culture courses at AFAM Istituation, exhibiting her Fashion Paintings at some English and American museum spaces (including the Beecroft Art Gallery, the Southend-on -Sea Museum, "The Other Art Fair Chicago" the WTM Museum and Gallery which houses one of the most significant costume collections in the world) with the exhibition “Inspired by Biba: oil pastel fashion" also reviewed in The Guardian magazine.

In the last year she has exhibited her works in Italy at the Rome Art Week Open Studio, the Crocetti Museum and at the Antonio De Nino Archeology Civic Museum with the exhibition "Fashion and Costume in the visual arts".





Events at Rome Art Week
Image not present
28 Oct 2023 | 16:00-19:30
Emanuela Di Filippo

Event on Reservation
Open Studio
Via Carlo Conti Rossini
Italian Fashion Artist
30 Oct 2020 | 13:00-16:30
Italian Fashion Artist

Event by invitation only
Open Studio
Studio Italian Fashion Artist
Via dei Volsci 10
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