Marzia Corteggiani
Born in Perugia, lives and works in Rome. She taught Artistic Anatomy at the Academies of Fine Art, Rome and Milan. She has taken part in events and biennials in Italy and abroad both as an artist and historian from a conceptual angle.
This participant has not yet organized an event or exhibition in this edition or has not been included within an event or exhibition organized by another participant.
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Born in Perugia, lives and works in Rome. After receiving a degree with the Swiss Hotech Academy, an MFA from the Academy of Fine Arts, Rome, and MFA in Humanities and History of Art from Sapienza University, Rome, she attended woodcut courses at the “Escola d’Estiu Internacional”, Calella (Barcelona), and the ink painting courses held by Maestro Toba at the Japanese Cultural Institute, Rome. She taught Artistic Anatomy at the Academies of Fine Art, Rome and Milan. D&A (Women and Art) representative (1979-1987), for more than 30 years she has taken part in events and biennials in Italy and abroad both as an artist and historian from a conceptual angle. She participated in numerous events and exhibitions at Tomaso Binga’s Lavatoio Contumaciale, Rome. She is one of founders of GRUPPO 12, producing Building Ground Art interventions on Rome’ and Anagni’s urban context. She has participated in the activity and exhibitits of StudioArteFuoriCentro, Rome. Since 2014 she studies the form of light in photography.





Events at Rome Art Week
Image not present
24 Oct 2022 | 18:00-20:00
Marzia Corteggiani "Excursus"

Event on Reservation
Open Studio
Studio Marzia Corteggiani
Via Salaria 219/B
Marzia Corteggiani "Excursus"
24 Oct 2022 | 18:00-20:00
Marzia Corteggiani "Excursus"
Curated by Paola Litterio
Event on Reservation
Studio Marzia Corteggiani
via Salaria 219/B
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