Roberta Maola
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Roberta Maola was artistically trained at the “A. Valente ”of Sora (Fr). Later she expanded her interests to the study of psychology, after graduating from the "La Sapienza" University of Rome she worked in non-profit organizations. In 2013 she decided to devote herself completely to art. Roberta's work is a reflection on art and psychology, as idiosyncratic languages, opposite angles from which to explore the same entity: the singular and subjective production of emotions starting from thought processes.

Competitions:2022, “Art Renewal Center’s 16th international ARC Salon Competition” Semi-finalist; 2020, “Art Renewal Center’s 15th international ARC Salon Competition” Semi-finalist; 2019, "Arts in Rome 2019 Prize” (organized by Artists Rome, Margutta Home, Rome).

Collections: Filiberto and Bianca Menna Foundation Study Center for Contemporary Art (the acquired works will become part of the permanent collection of the constituting MuSa - Salerno Museum of Contemporary Art); Library Vallicelliana, Rome; MAAM – Museo dell’Altro e dell’Altrove Metropoliz_città meticcia; private collections of artists and art critics.

Solo Exhibitions: 2019, “Sola lì rimase speranza” (artistic project by R. Maola, text by B. Leal Riesco, MACRO – Museum of Contemporary Art – Rome); 2016, "Nobody dreams of what does not concern him" (catalogue by A. Ungheri, with essays by S. Palermo, A. Ungheri, with the patronage of First Municipality of Rome, Gallery “Polmone Pulsante”, Rome); 2015, "Fifty-three years seven months and eleven days, nights included" (catalogue by G. Del Papa, with texts by R. Rinaldi, G. Del Papa, with the patronage of the Municipality of Casalvieri - FR); "Dissonances" (catalogue by Mauro Rubini, texts by Beatriz Leal Riesco, Abc Art Gallery, Rome).

Selected Group Exhibitions and Artistic Projects: 2020-2021, Io e Me: autoritratti nel lockdown” (curated by Cosetta Mastragostino, Mary Angela Schroth and Adriana Caputo, organized by Sala 1 - International Center of Contemporary Art, Rome); "Le altre opere - Artisti che collezionano Artisti"  (curated by Lucilla Catania e Daniela Perego, Claudio Crescentini and Federica Pirani, organized by Hidalgo, Dreamingvideo, TRAleVOLTE, Artiamo group, Zètema Cultural Project, promoted by Rome Culture, Capitoline Superintendence for Cultural Heritage, Museum of Rome in Trastevere and Gallery of Modern Art, Roma); “Abbi cura di te” (virtual exhibition season 04 curated by Maddalena d'Alfonso and Giulia Mura and co-produced by Superficial Studio - Rome - and Md'A Design Agency - Milan); 2019, "Network of Memories - Project for the memory of the Tucci museum" (organized and curated by R. Melasecca for “Interno 14 next”, S. Stucky, M. Marinaccio, Macro - Museum of Contemporary Art, Rome); 2018-2017, "Una festa dell’arte. Opera come progetto” (curated by A. Nassisi, Casa della Cultura, Caprarola – VT); "Umanità Dispersa" (curated by Roberto Gramiccia, Menna-Binga Archive, Rome); "Dimensione fragile" (edited by Paola Paesano, Jasmine Pignatelli, Biblioteca Vallicelliana, Rome); "Natura Bianca" (edited by Daniela Perego, Vittoria Biasi, Interno14, Rome); 2016-2015, " tentativo di una via, l’accenno di un sentiero” at Mario Mieli Center for Homosexual Culture, Rome; 2013-14, “Casa mia casa mia” (Sala del Carroccio - Campidoglio, Rome); "Espressioni”, traveling exhibit in La Spezia, Taranto, Benevento, Naples; "Comunicazione urgente" (organized by Arte PerOGGI, Teatro dei Dioscuri - Complesso del Quirinale, Rome).

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Events at Rome Art Week
L’Infinito - Più vicini all’universo dove annega il pensiero
23-25 Oct 2019
L’Infinito - Più vicini all’universo dove annega il pensiero
Progetto per il bicentenario de L’Infinito di Leopardi
Free access
Complesso Monticello
Via Aurelia, 278
Dangerous kindness project
24 Oct 2019 | 17:00
Dangerous kindness project
La gentilezza è pericolosa - Curated by Roberta Melasecca
Free access
Officine Nove
Vicolo del Casale Galvani 9
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