Massimo Tennenini
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Biography of Massimo Tennenini

Massimo Tennenini, anthropologist, photographer and filmmaker, has been dealing for many years with the native peoples of Latin America and in particular with the Mayan peoples of Guatemala and South-East Mexico.

He collaborated for a year with the chair of Economic Anthropology in 1994 and later, for almost 10 years, with the chair of Cultural Anthropology at the Faculty of "Communication Sciences" of the La Sapienza University of Rome.

Member of the editorial staff of the magazine "Avatar" - "Dislocations between anthropology and communication" - published by Meltemi Editore. From July 2007 to June 2009 he directed the Istituto Montecelio - Regional Agency for Communication. Assistant director and author of the texts in a series of television investigations for RAI entitled: Dossier Ragazzi; for the Ministry of the Environment, the CGIL and some Italian NGOs. He has made numerous photographic exhibitions and several audiovisuals including "A long story" (1991), "Il Chocò: a region to plunder" (1992), "The end of silence" (1994), "The men without a face" ( 1996).

From 2005 to 2010 with the Sesto Sole Association and the indigenous organizations of Chiapas he worked, as project manager, on the construction of eight "health homes" (small first-aid clinics) and equipped a small clinic in the Selva Laca


March - presentation of the book and exhibition "Another America" ​​(ISBN 9788893494069) at the Open Studio of Patrizia Genovesi, on the occasion of the Month of Photography in Rome;


March - collective exhibition "In viaggio" at the Cartiera Latina - Rome - Seat of the Appia Antica Park;


July - "Retrospective" exhibition as part of the "Domus Danae" Festival at the "Domus Danae" Culture Center, Ardea (Rome)

July - "Sguardi" exhibition at the Tevere Art Gallery, Rome;


October - exhibition "The Zapatista uprising" in the context of Quindie, Independent Culture Festival - Fidenza;


April - exhibition "Indigenous America" ​​at the Galleria Romagnoli - Terni;

August - "Osservanti" exhibition at the Trenta Sette Gallery - Matera;


December 2012 - "Maya" exhibition - Teatro della Vaccheria - Rome;


December - exhibition and presentation of the book "The gaze of the last" - Palazzo della Cultura, Modica;

November - exhibition and presentation of the book "The gaze of the last" within the Occhi Rossi Festival - Il Mattone Library, Rome;


April publication of the photographic book entitled "The gaze of the last" (ISBN 9788890415401);

July - "Ribelli" exhibition in the framework of Occhi Rossi Festival - Forte Prenestino, Rome;

He collaborates, also as an interpreter, with the documentary "The dawn of the sixth sun, journey in the Chiapas zapatista" (58 ', Arcipelago Film Festival 2010) together with the actress Loredana Cannata;


May - Exhibition "Deep Mexico" - Exhibition hall in the palace of the Province of Frosinone;

October - Exhibition "The gaze of the last" - In the framework of the Fotoleggendo ressegna;


May - "Chiapas" exhibition at the Sapienza University Congress Center;


September - exhibition "Without face" - Corso Vittorio Veneto, Pozzallo (Ragusa);

December - "Mexico deep" exhibition - Civic Archaeological Naturalistic Museum of Allumiere (Rome);


April - exhibition "Maya, the resistance of a people" - Photographic Workshops, Rome;


February - conference and exhibition "Chiapas Project" - Casale Podere Rosa, Rome;

July - "Maya" Exhibition - Odradek Library, Rome;


Member, until 2003, of the editorial staff of the magazine "Avatar" - "dislocations between anthropology and communication" - published by Meltemi Editore;


May - "Chiapas" conference and exhibition - Conference Hall of the Faculty of Communication Sciences - La Sapienza University of Rome;


Together with Fiamma Cordero Di Montezemolo, he produced the documentary "The men without a face" (the Spanish version is titled "Los hombres sin rostro"), on the revolt of the indigenous peoples of Chiapas, which obtained a "special signal" by of the International Institute of Ethnostoria of Palermo as part of the Pitrè International Award;


December - conference and exhibition "Chiapas: the end of silence" - Walking Camera, Salerno;

Collaborates in the making of the documentary "Quartieri", presented at the 1st edition of the National Festival of Anthropological Documentaries at the National Museum of Popular Arts and Traditions;


Together with Claudia Mura, he made a documentary entitled "The end of silence", filmed in the Lacandona forest, on the revolt of the indigenous people of Chiapas, in southern Mexico;


Collaborates in the making of the video "Carlotta la dolce", presented at the international conference "Sports practices in the metropolitan environment", held at the Congress Center of the "La Sapienza" University of Rome on 29-30 November 1993;


He collaborates in the creation, with repertoire materials, of the documentary "A long story", on

Events at Rome Art Week
Presentation of the photographic book "L
22 Oct 2019 | 18:30
Presentation of the photographic book "L'Altra America" by Massimo Tennenini
A photographic description of lands and peoples of Central and South America
Free access
OTTO Gallery
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