Caterina Pini
Self-taught, I began painting in Milan, my hometown, then moved to France where from 2009 to 2015 I worked in an artists' atelier just outside Paris. Since 2016 I have been living and working in Rome til 2022 when Studio CaSa in Pietralata district borned.
Data and contact details
I was born in Milan in 1968 where I graduated in transverse flute from the Giuseppe Verdi Conservatory and in Natural Sciences from the Statale University. I took nude courses at the Academy of Fine Arts and at the same time worked as a web designer in several companies. I moved to Paris in 2003 where I took nude courses at Beaux Arts, and from 2009 to 2015 I worked in an artists' atelier in Vitry-sur-Seine, being part of the Atelier 16 with Alice Mauchamp, Ella Ngovan, Noémie Pfeiffer and Etienne Armandon. Since 2016 I live and work in Rome where, in 2022, I opened Studio CaSa shared with Saverio Feligini, in the Pietralata neighborhood.

2010 - solo exhibition Altre Vite Altre Stanze, Duetart gallery in Varese
2011 - group show Lo Stato dell`Arte - Regione Lombardia for the Biennale, Palazzo Regione Lombardia, Milan
2016 - solo exhibition Per cause naturali, Spazio LeoLab, Trieste
2020 - group show The Milky Way , Franco Noero Gallery of Turin
2023 - Openstudio CaSa with Saverio Feligini.
I illustrated, on texts by Lorenza Russo, Cammina, cammina and Girotondo Alpino. On text by Aurora Sanseverino, I designed and illustrated Ora so !

As a young girl I painted my first oil painting, it was a portrait of my dog. Later, looking at it, I thought: this thing I did is a good thing. Since then, little by little, the awareness that painting and drawing will be my profession has grown in me: observing the world, reflecting and reworking certain themes becomes necessary  for me. In my work I love to experiment, I do not make preparatory drawings but use color or fountain pen straight away, directly on paper, wood, canvas, with an indiscriminate and even somewhat "ignorant" use of different techniques, mixed together. I alternate research on recurring themes with moments when I indulge and follow something unexpected that surprises and amazes me. It also happens that very strong images appear in my mind and consequently it becomes inevitable for me to draw, to paint. My production is characterized by a certain stylistic variety and a wide choice of subjects: portraits and metamorphoses, imaginary places and dialogues between characters, animals and faces, life, death and also more.
My work can be viewed at


Events at Rome Art Week
Caterina Pini
21 Oct 2024 | 17:30-19:30
Caterina Pini
Violence of the Face. Expressiveness, Otherness, Truth in the Age of Biometric Control of the Face and the Mask. Open Studio by Caterina Pini and Saverio Feligini with critical reflections by Francesca Palazzi Arduini (
Free access
Open Studio
Studio CaSa
Via Luigi Lodi 76
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