Cristiana Pacchiarotti
Training course • Diploma Liceo Artistico “I Liceo Artistico” di Ripetta in Rome; • Laurea in Architettura Università degli Studi “La Sapienza” of Rome
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Cristiana Pacchiarotti, was born in Rome (ITALY), where she studied at the art school on Via Ripetta and gradueted from the Valle Giulia school of architecture. Her art-historical training, brought her to contemporary art and the creation of various artist- architectural settings for private and public commisions, A past supervisor of events in the architecture section of the Venice Biennale for the professional association of roman architects, she was responsible for the promotion of cultural projects outide Italy. She has taken part in numerous exhibitions and conferences in Italy and other countries and she was editor in chief of the artists magazine Aria. She lives and work sto Rome.

Events at Rome Art Week
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