Francesca Antonello
Italian-Argentinian visual artist specialized in sculpture and design, she explores wood as her prime material. She works from her studio in the effervescent east quadrant of the capital and exhibits her work internationally.
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Francesca Antonello is an Italian-Argentine visual artist who lives and works in Rome.

She graduated as a wood sculpture technician at the School of Ornamental Arts in Rome and as a technician in the artistic treatment of metals at TAM, the Institute of Higher Education directed by Maestro Arnaldo Pomodoro.

During the years she lived in England, she obtained an MA in Jewellery and Related Products at the School of Jewellery (Faculty of Design) of Birmingham City University. In the same place she completed a two-year artistic residency providing teaching assistance to the MA course and some international summer courses.

The alterations of organic morphological structures, slow or accelerated metamorphoses, the properties of flow, are events that fascinate and deeply interest her and that she adopts as key ingredients of her artistic research.

She explores wood as her prime material in all its declinations and has developed a delicate harmony aesthetic of soft structures identifiable both on sculptures as on objects to wear. Her intention is to draw the viewer to a tactile approach through sinuous lines, playing on textures, contrasts, of abstract and asymmetric sensual shapes.

Her technique is the result of a rigorous, passionate and critical commitment.

Events at Rome Art Week
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