Marcello Nesti
Mark is' an artist poliedrico, and the artistic vein spaces on many artistic fields, from the decorative one to the conceptual one. Great impassioned of the period DADA, takes inspiration from the great artists of that period revaluing him.
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Marcello Nesti “Mark” you/he/she was born in the province of Mass-Carrara August 6 th 1961  




you/he/she has frequented: the High school Artistico and the academy of Belle Arti of Carrara, achieving the diploma in Decoration with the vote of 110 and praise; introducing a thesis on a known artist of Carrara, Luciano Lattanzi and with it you/he/she has participated in the contest “A Thesis for Carrara” classifying himself/herself/itself ex equitable to the first place.  




In 2002 behind suggestion of the Teacher Lattanzi, you/he/she has introduced the manuscript to Professor Mario Costa, teacher of Aesthetics near the university of Salerno and Methodology of the Criticism near the university in Naples, as well as administrator of a series of publishing publications related to the artistic sector.  




The thesis has been published with the title Ornament & West The Lattanzi Case (Necklace of Aesthetics, Cuzzolin Editore).  




Ornament and west: the Lattanzi case  








For some years its affairs have been directed in the field of the graphics and the design, getting prizes and signalings, among which you/they detach: “OLED design contest” 05, “You Kore” 05, “The hearth of Venice” 07, “Color designer” 07, Harmony Cordis” 07, “Eureka aluminum” 07.  




From the 2009 Mark, it begins a new artistic exploration introduced an one man show to the APT of Marina of Mass from the title “Metropolis”, images that speak of urban landscapes graphically idealized. In the same year and in the following 2010 you/he/she has exposed to various artistic reviews: “Art in the art” to the Castle Malaspina of Mass, has participated in the collective show of Painting, sculpture and comic strip to Livorno in the suggestive center of the “The Loots of the oil” and to the collective Images of Carrara “foreshortenings and outskirtses” organized by the association Artists of the Suburb, of which have taken care of the the graphic project of the catalog.  


Subsequently it participates to numerous collective on the whole coast Tuscany as partner of the association ASART, has participated in all the demonstrations of the association in the suggestive center of Building Panichi to Pietrasanta and Villa Paolina to Viareggio.  




Duranta this period tries to deepen the poetic artistic and the stylistic search related to the works of the last years, Mark introduces a new series of paintings devoted to the “City”, in which prevails unlike the preceding works a more cheerful formal aspect decidedly and optimist. In the intent to deepen his/her search always devoted Mark to the habitat of the man you/he/she has tried to lower more and more himself/herself/themselves inside his/her search, “Her Emerged Earths” I am a series of paintings in which it prevails the aspect materico that pushes him/it toward an interpretation to the limits of the conceptual one. Fruit of the search of this last period I am “The Nighttime ones” in which, in the dark the incedere of the time is frozen as in an instant that cannot be repeated.  




In 2014/15 deep together to a group of artists the association ARTEMISIA, with the qualification of secretary, organizing a series of artistic demonstrations with the intent of rivitalizzare through the art and the Culture the panorama of our province.  




If I/you could express him/it with the words, there would not be any reason to paint him/it. (E. Hopper)

Events at Rome Art Week
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