Jessica Pintaldi
Data and contact details

Jessica Pintaldi is a visual artist who works with different media, graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome with a BMA in Painting in 2007 and then an MA in Graphic Design in 2009. She has exhibited in Italy and abroad since 2007. Recently, she conceived and curated the independent artistic project CREATION and TRACCIAMI. At the moment she is attending an MA at the School of Sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome where she is continuing to explore the performing arts in relation to the creation of large public spaces, installations, and sculptures.

For several years I have been outlining an abstraction that finds its roots in the simplest and most profound form of reality.

Astrophysics and Art share the need for investigation and discovery. A black hole is thought to be found in the center of each galaxy. The circle, the sphere, the spiral, the centripetal, and the centrifugal movements of inner elements are found in many different natural structures. Matter rotates and exists in repeating forms, from the immensely large to the infinitely small.  From the beginning of time, man has always been looking for answers about the origin of the world, the universe, and all living things. We need to find new ways to interact with matter, to control it, understand it better, and to protect our environment. Through modelling we can rediscover our intimate connection with nature, the warp and the weft hidden in the soil, and sedimentation that is not only in the ground but in our atavic memories.

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Events at Rome Art Week
Jessica Pintaldi
25 Oct 2024 | 11:00-14:00
Jessica Pintaldi
Live performance & QA
Free access
Open Studio
Parco Insugherata
via Paolo Emilio Castagnola - 00135 Roma
Image not present
28 Oct 2023 | 16:30-18:00
Jessica Pintaldi

Event on Reservation
Open Studio
Parcheggio ingresso Riserva Naturale Insughereta
via Paolo Emilio Castagnola
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