Roberta Imperatori
In her works the feminine figure plays a decisive role, with barely sketched faces, elegant, sweet and wavy features.
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Roberta Imperatori is an Italian painter. Imperatori was born in Rome, Italy, the daughter of Italian painter and fashion designer Maria Virginia Teodori. She graduated from V Artistic Lyceum, an artistic oriented college preparatory school, and she attended the Academy of Costumes and Fashion both in Rome.

From an early age, her love for art, mythology, drawing, literature, music stimulated her pictorial research, resulting in her participation in exhibitions of figurative arts. These characteristics cultivated during her adolescence and pre-painting carrier came very useful during her actives in the field of fashion and entertainment. Imperatori's modeling career led her into the limelight, with stage presences in various Italian well known television shows of the time: “Fantastico”, “Domenica in”, “Scommettiamo che”, “Non è la Rai”, “Furore” and “Piazza Italia” to name the most famous.

In 2001 she met the roman painter Leonardo De Magistris (1933 - 2010) a founding member of many Italian artistic associations such as “Cento Pittori via Margutta” and “Alternativa 94”. De Magistris’ lead will be a great creative inspiration for her and useful base for developing her own painting style.

In 2001 she unveiled her first works with the Association "Alternative 94" and in 2002 in the exhibition entitled "Francesco c’è", in Piazza San Giovanni in Laterano, Rome. In 2003 she displayed her paints with “Cento Pittori via Margutta” associaton, then directed by the painter Alberto Vespaziani (1937-2018).  In the same year she presented her works at the Ponte Milvio Art Exhibition curated by the "Alternative 94" Association and at National Museum of Tuscania in the exhibition "Da via Margutta alla cittadina etrusca".

Those art exhibitions were followed by since 2004 in Füerstenfeldbruck, Surrealism in Cremona with the Gallery "Images - Spazio Arte", Sale del Bramante and catalog publication - OpenArt Award 2005 - Galleria Monogramma - Rome, the Hundred Painters via Margutta in 2004, 2005 , 2006 at the Art Exhibition entitled "From via Margutta to Conca d'Oro" in 2007, Pent'Arte Gallery - Rome - 2009. Always curated by Alternativa 94 and the Hundred Painters via Margutta, he exhibited at Trinità dei Monti, in Piazza Trilussa. Participates in the Art Exhibition entitled "Art of the Gran Sasso" Gran Sasso Island of Italy (Teramo), 2011, Galleria Saman - Art Exhibition entitled "Those of the 10s Preview" - Rome, in Readingandart. - entitled "Reading and art" curated by blogger Bas van Houwelingen - Netherlands in 2014, in P&G Events Gallery for Audrey Hepburn in 2014, at MACRO Museum of Contemporary Art in Rome with the Hundred Painters in 2018, 32nd Edition Exhibition of Modern and Contemporary Art - Padua - November 2022, Art Collective "l'Arte si Mostra" curated by Casa Editrice Pagine - Pio Sodalizio dei Piceni, Rome - 2023, Collective "Women and Painting" conceived by the Equal Opportunities Commission in collaboration with the Omnia Res Civitatis APS Association. at the external area of the Rome VI - 2023.

Her style combines figurative iconography with experiments in abstract art, making her well appreciated in the current Italian art scene.

According to art critic Carolina Lio, the women she depict with the schematic and inconspicuous shapes while performing various actions that have to do with the interior and the intellect like reading, listening music or writing and so on. They purpose a focus on the intellectual rather than the physical element and restore dignity and deeper importance to the feminine figure rather than that given by aesthetic.

The art historian Davide Sciuto sees a strong symbolism in Imperatori painting, which induces the observer to reflect on the experiences of past art, reliving them in the present. In her works the feminine figure plays a decisive role, with barely sketched faces, elegant, sweet and wavy features, delicate complexions, graceful poses, harmonious and natural gestures, making the female figures extremely fascinating, mysterious, endowed with mysticism and beauty.

She is registered member of the “Soci dell’Accademia Internazionale d’Arte Moderna (A.I.A.M)” in Rome.

In 2021 you entered the Encyclopedia of Italian Art.

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Events at Rome Art Week
Roberta Imperatori
24 Oct 2023 | 11:00-18:00

Free access
Open Studio
Open Studio Roberta Imperatori - Accesso libero
Largo San Carlo al Corso, 437
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